Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A purely Me-Me afternoon

Yes I know it sounds pretty self-indulgent. But read on you'll end up feeling sorry for me (or at least that's the plan!:P)

My school day today seemed to drag on forever. The grand finale has to be the last science period. For two periods now we've been learning about levers (hammer, broom, pliers, forceps, etc.). The kids have observed examples, held and described their parts and used them to conduct fun activities (hammer a nail, sweep my classroom, lift a rock, separate large and tiny beans). Towards the end, they were given a worksheet to complete. The first question had pictures of simple machines and read: Put an "X" on the levers.

"Miss Mariam what is a lever?"
"2eee wallah, what is a lever?"

If it wasn't for the boy next to them who jumped up and said something close to "it's a simple machine yal khibil"- I would've ended my misery right there and then with an overdose of white board marker ink.

I am exhausted beyond description. These two weeks have been from hell. I need to R-E-L-A-X. This afternoon (effective right after I press the "publish" button) I am boycotting the PC, any work remotely related to school and am just gonna do whatever MARIAM, the nice once-normal (I like to think) girl wants to do. This afternoon, I am not a teacher anymore. I am just me. A hopeless fairytale-chick-flick-cookies-n-milk junkie who goes by the name Mariam.

Let the "relaxation celebration" begin!

(I think I'll start by taking a shower, cuz let's face it, I do stink big time :P)


Anonymous said...

LOOOL, I personally would have cracked up if I heard that "khibil" comment :P

Mar Yoom said...

what makes you think I didn't?:P