Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kids To Remember

The countdown is starting.. Two years here are almost coming to a close:) children-packed years that is. During those years, I have heard a zillion adorable anecdotes, tied a hundred shoelaces, wiped a few tears, got a million hugs, and joined in uninhibited fits of giggling.
I have also chased a dozen boys around school, gawked at the amount of chips an average 9-year-old consumes in a single 20-minute-recess, and swore I'd dangle a few kids down my classroom ceiling (and unsuccessfully attempted to once:P).

There are so many memories close to my heart that I wish to guard and always remember. And yet these things are easily forgotten day by day. That's why I am now infinitely glad that I've decided to record my experiences this year on this blog. I'd like to think that one day I'll be sitting reading them and remembering some of the joy (oh and PAIN:P) that filled my early days as a teacher.

Although I can honestly say that I sincerely loved each and every kid I taught through tout those two years (oh yes that includes you Abdulaziz!) there are a few kids that have touched my heart in a special way just by being. These are the kids I'll constantly remember and in a few years wonder what has become of them. Those are the kids I'll wish I would someday run into and get overwhelmed and choked up by how big they've become. Those are the faces that'll stay fresh in my memory even when I'm 99 and can't remember what a chocolate chip cookie looks like (Gosh I hope I don't ever reach this point:P). These are the kids that made my heart leap, my lips smile and my face light up.. Bless them!

6-year-old girls don't come any cuter. If you thinks kids can't possibly be cute, incorrigibly polite, super smart, gentle, considerate, plain-old ADORABLE, gifted, sweeeeeeeet and with eyes that literally sparkle all at the same time, then you have got to meet Dalal.

Mohammed M. (4B):
I can only say one thing: BLESS him. May Allah protect this kid from all harm and yij3alo qorrat 3ayn la ahlo.
Lets face it. Every kid has his own thing. Some are really bright, some are musically talented, some have poor academic performance but are superb athletes. Some stand out by how polite they are. Some by how easily they make friends. Some by their good breeding. Some by their beauty. Some are just so cute they don't need anything else to work for them.

But what are the chances you get a kid who has it all? Mash'Allah this kid does. He is one of the brightest kids I've ever met. He's an A+ student without even trying. He's impeccably well bred, super friendly and loved by everyone. He is gifted in each and every sport (the Kong Fu show he performed with the Kung Fu master during sports day had my jaw drop for 30 minutes afterwards. Masha'Allah). His recitation of the Quran shivers your heart and revives your soul. He wins every Quran memorization and recitation competition he enters. He is a natural in everything. Masha'Allah. May Allah bless and protect him. I think it's safe to expect great things from him. May Allah guide him.

Abdulaziz (4A):
Compared to him, all kids are hypo-active sloths. He's disaster in the making. He is literally too much for anyone to handle. I don't even know how the squirt managed to make me absolutely love him:) But I will never forget how EXCITED he is when there's anything about dinosaurs. How stone-still he sits when we're reading/watching something about them. The two extremes fascinate me... I will certainly have a hard time forgetting him!:)

Nasser (4A):
Simply a big fat chunk of sweetness (actually he's very thin, but you get the point:P)

Soud (4C):
I have never met such a goal-oriented person with unwavering determination and faultless blockage of any external distractions in my whole life, let alone a KID. He puts adults to shame!!

Ahmed (4B):
Cutest, biggest, goofiest smile ever. You cannot but return it with a huger one!

Ahmed (4C):
His mom says I'm his favorite teacher, if that's not enough to make him score high on my list, then what does?;)

Mohammed (4B):
He is SO DARN CUTE I wanna cry!!! You just wanna squeeze him into a tiny ball of cuteness and stuff him in your pocket.

Egyptian Kids

I realise that this is actually a general category as opposed to a certain kid. But that's how it is. Egyptian kids are a different breed. They deserve to be classified as a separate, unique, category worthy of admiration and awe.

Man I simply ADORE them. I cannot get over how shockingly blunt, outspoken and confident they are. A mere 6-year-old can run circles around you. Literally.
I remember when I stayed over at my Egyptian friend's place in Cairo a few years back. I met her family and every time I had an encounter with a 5 year old Egyptian kid, I was left in complete and utter awe. HOW do they make them this way? Any attempts of mine to describe them will fall pitifully short of the reality. You'll have to sit face to face with a dark skinned, thick and curly-haired Egyptian kid with wide brown eyes that sparkle in a way only an Egyptian kid's eyes can. Only then will you know what I'm talking about. Think the most OUTRAGEOUSLY witty and talkative kid on Bill Cosby's "Kids say the darndest things", multiply it by a thousand, and you'll get what I'm talking about.

I simply adore Egyptian kids. I can't get enough of them. I love how they cut me off with ease, how comfortable they are with voicing their feelings and unreservedly announcing their opinions. I get a kick from everything they do or say. They are not kids. They are Egyptian Kids.

Ahh... Kids. What a blessing. Why can't they just stay all cute, cuddly, huggable and kissable forever and ever?:)


Anonymous said...

Ur words are excatly the same as my mums' ! :))
Abdallah did o Ibrahim said o Sara fell o Diana wrote... etc!
She even takes fruits from home to give it for those who forgives thier snack box! :))
They make her laugh min albha several times during the day and they ask her with thier most innocent faces: Anseh leh 3am ted7aki?! :)))))

So U're affection to those little diamond stars is totally understandable and legitimate :)
They are very blessed to have U as a teacher wallah!

I can never be a teacher. I would hate any dumb student! Sorry bas 3an jad I would!

Anonymous said...

hate marra wa7deh?

I'm sorry to break this to you dearest khokhah but it is hard for me to believe that you are capable of hate.

You see, inti fi3lan min atyab il nas illi fi 7ayati abalthom. Seriously.

And now you want me to believe that you'll hate a kid? Ya big-hearted, social worker, mutafaniyeh fi khidmat il nas, khokhah.

3ala meen? ;)

Anonymous said...

I already tried that in London in 1997 with a first grade student, and that Ä/&¤(# kid could not just get enno 1 + 1 is 2! I used apples, toys, painting... MA NEFE3! She forgot what I said 3 secs after I said it! O min youmha... 7arramet! I would not mind be a teacher assistant for some time, bas enno work as teacher .. mishan allah NO! But I managed to teach a forth class that game of "soul ma3karon soul maaario mario mario dep dep dep"... U know, the one with palms on each other!? :)))

Yaa Dalia...
The big-hearted person is the one who put up with me for 3 weeks and still regards me as a friend! Bas come on... We are special, aren't we?! :) each in her very significant way.. bas we are still special.

One more thing: I do recall a pile or two of yellow (ya3ni mesfarren mishanhom old!) newpapers in the bedroom where I slept :)))

Every time I read a comment from U and the reply from Mariam 3aleh... I say to myself: yes kholod yes... read, learn and memorize, becoz inshallah o bi ezen allah Ur wonderful and adorable 2 daughters will be just like those two stars!

Allah ye7miikom o yehdiikom o yehdini!

Love U both!

O maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

Mar Yoom said...

"I do recall a pile or two of yellow (ya3ni mesfarren mishanhom old!) newpapers in the bedroom where I slept"



Man I can't laugh any more:D:D:D

Dalia, explain yourself:P

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the "unsightly" additions to your bedroom khokhati. The good news is, next time you come I promise you a pile-free existence insha'Allah.

Are you kidding, you are the awesomest person to have around. It was so much fun and "educational" in many aspects. God bless you for putting up with me and Mariam. You know what I mean.

I remember when you were in London. Dear, I hear you. I'm so not the "teaching" kind either. La kbar, wala zghar. I'm leaving that to Mariam.

Love you tons habeebti.