Sunday, May 20, 2007

Have you seen a lo2tah?

Here's a random piece of information about me for you to ponder: I often find myself in need to use public bathrooms. "Often" here meaning all the time. I don't enjoy it, but you can't exactly be picky when you're out of the house 8 hours straight and have a kidney system of questionable quality. But that's a story for another post, or better yet should be left for the imaginary book I plan to write someday, with its catchy title: "My Search For A Bathroom". It's basically a book where I record my observations and surprisingly interesting and useful skills I've acquired from constant use of public bathrooms. I am quite the authority really, having developed my own personal grading system and able to recommend the best public bathrooms in most parts of town should you ever be in the situation where mother nature is hollering at you.

One golden rule for me is: minimum exposure. You have to be efficient. There's no need to spend a second more than the time you actually need in a bathroom. There's icky, then there's more icky. The more you spend in the bathroom, the higher the risk of ickiness rubbing off on you.

Having said that, you can imagine my stand on "public bathroom socializing". Now it's one thing to engage in friendly conversation a bit with your girlfriends as you hurriedly wash your hands and/or gawk at the mirror after discovering that you've been prancing around for the last hour with chocolate milkshake smothered on your forehead. That's okay. But to actually stand there, or worse, lean against the sink for support as you discuss a millions things, as cozily as if you were in a sleepover, is just a big no no.

Similarly, public bathrooms are not places to make friends. You can nod and even smile at the lady who just walked in if you feel you must, but don't go and ask about her life story. Just don't. At least not when I'm that stranger.

I was washing my hands, you know minding my own business, checking if I was adorned with any markers on any of my visible body parts. This teacher walked in and I smiled. I knew she was a teacher in our school, I often walk past her in the corridors, but that was the extent of my knowledge. And as far as I was concerned, at least for the time being, it should stay at that.

Maybe not.
nameless teacher: So you're a teacher this year?
Me: yep (I figured I'll stick to 3 lettered words and body gestures as long as I can help it)
She: You were an assistant last year?
Me: uh-huh
She: So did you get engaged?

Okaaaaaaaaay. I definitely did not see that coming. As if bathroom conversations were not uncomfortable for me already. But before I could figure out how to respond, she beat me to it. Probably as a response to the look on my face.

She: I'm sorry, I know people must ask you that a lot and it's annoying, I know.

Hmmm. For some reason instead of thinking how rude and nosey she was (as I would normally do), I found myself thinking that she was pretty sweet. The fact that she acknowledged that her remark was annoying made me feel less annoyed, for some weird reason. So I said what the heck be nice, even if you're in the bathroom.

Me: Umm, actually no. But I don't want to right now anyway, I'm going to finish my studies. (I beamed. I couldn't hide my excitement).

She: Oh I see, Allah iywaf2ek. But habibti, you are like my daughter and if you find "3arees lo2tah" (a guy who's quite a catch) then you should definitely go for it. Take it from me.

Me (amused): umm, I'll remember that. But I really want to get my masters. So I'll worry about Mr. lo2tah after that, iza Allah kateb.

That seemed to satisfy her and we moved on to more general issues. By then I had resigned to the fact that I was in lengthly public bathroom chit-chat and even leaned against the sink. At one point, I even asked about her name. She's Ms. Bushra.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but reflect with amusement on the term "3arees lo2tah". This must be the most overused term in the marriage industry (and yes it is an industry). I must've heard it being used a million times, yet I never actually stopped to ponder it. What exactly is a "lo2tah"? I never asked. I guess I figured, once you have to choose, you'll know how to find the lo2tah. I guess I was under the assumption that a 3arees lo2tah can be spotted a mile away, like a guy wearing a bright pink T-shirt in the mall (one could argue that singling out a guy who's wearing pink is no longer a picnic, considering that half the male population here are now proud owners of bubble gum pink shirts. What's up with that????)

But now I'm twenty something, and I must admit that I am not entirely sure as to what qualifies a 3arees as lo2tah. What elevates him from a "just another potential husband" to a "can't-be-turned-down lo2tah". And should I assume that all those girls getting married have successfully pinned down a lo2tah?

I thus plead to you kind people of the blogging world to please share any insights you might have on this matter. What is a "lo2tah" to you? Did you ever have a real life encounter with a lo2tah? what is the opposite of a lo2tah? Is there a reference point for a lo2tah? (George clooney maybe?). And does a lo2tah guy know that he is a lo2tah? And most importantly, what happens if you do turn down a lo2tah? What are your changes of running into another lo2tah?

Okay I'll admit to the fact that I am putting forth those questions mainly for my sheer amusement. But lets not forget that I was advised to put my life on hold should I run into a lo2tah. For that reason, I should at least have a clear idea what a lo2tah is. I mean, what if I give up my life for a lo2tah-wannabe? That can't be good.
One week into marriage: HA gotcha. I'm not a real lo2tah!

What? It could happen.


Anonymous said...

You my dear are a nahfeh. This is not news to me, but I always delight in the ever-renewed realization that you are.

Before I give you my two cents, I just want to say that the pink T-shirt analogy is... ummm, sort of disturbing. I know it wasn't your intent, but I don't think you would ever want to imply any sort of relationship between a bubble gum pink shirted guy, and a lo2ta. LOL

That thorn out of my side, I'll now attempt to take a whack at your questions.

My short answer would be that a lo2ta is in the eye of the beholder.

You see, your 3arees lo2ta is the guy YOU want to marry (and will marry). It would not necessarily follow that a lo2ta pointed out by someone else would be a lo2ta to you (in most cases, you will find you'd rather just run for the hills).

So defining who your lo2ta is, is really the age old question of: who do you want to marry? So it's not a solution, just a rephrasing of the question. Seriously.

Case in point, my concept of a lo2ta has necessarily evolved over time. Majorly so. My idea of a lo2ta yesterday is definitely not my idea of a lo2ta today. It's a work in progress, just as I am :)

Just to reiterate, there is no one definition of the lo2tah. As you well know, there is no central certifiying agency for "lo2tahs" (in the industry), and da2irat al-Muwasafat wal-Maqayees al-Urduniyyah to my knowledge has not gone there yet. So saying someone is lo2tah without qualifying it is about as meaningful as, well, the lady you met in a public bathroom asking ME to buy a dress she likes.

By the way, I have so far indulged you in the use of the world "lo2ta", but I really take major issue with it. To my mind "lo2ta" carries negative connotations. I feel it is an insult to what it really means to find a real partner. You will find that declared societal "lo2taness" is usually just skin-deep.

I think it beehoves us to transcend superficial societal definitions, and move to more a profound understanding of ourselves and what we're looking for. Khuluq and deen. When you find them in the man you decide to marry, you won't need to "put your life on hold", in fact you will find that your life will instantly become more meaningful habeebti. May Allah bless you and protect you. Rabbi hab lana min al-saliheen!

Okay, I think that's enough of my rambling.

A friendly suggestion: You should specify a word limit for comments on your blog. Especially when you have a sister like me :)

Mar Yoom said...


Did I mention lately how much I LOVE YOU?

Well just in case I didn't in the last 2 seconds, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :D I miss you infinitely!

I know you have issues with the word "lo2tah"- as you have so eloquently expressed above- but as far as I'm concerned, you are a "lo2tah sister";D

As for word limit, I mentioned before that you and khokha- as blog commenters who stood the test of time- have special treatment. You can even go ahead and post on my blog if you feel like it;)

just remember not to post anything of substance. It would scare off my readers :P oh wait, that would be you guys again. hmmm. I'm confused.


So bascially you're saying that there's no such thing as "lo2tah". I must say I am deeply relieved. I was kinda feeling pressured to start an instant "lo2tah excavation", and was stressing about the world suddenly running out of lo2tas.

Oh and as for the pink T-shirts, I hear ya sis!! LOL

But seriously, what's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Masha2allah! WAAAW!
I enjoyed every word of urs Dalia (even if I had to use the online dictionary many times) bas 3an jad kalamek be3abbi el raas. U left nothing for anyone to add! Allah ye7miki yaa raab! Hats off elek ya set el kol! :bunch of roses:

Bas bardo I want to add 1 tiny cent lal mawdoo3! :)
It's an ongoing progress that will never stop... ya3ni the 3arees will be lo26ah and lo26er and more lo26ah as the relation between U two gets deeper and more stable. Many guys have BIG potentials to be great lo26at in the future.
With love, repect and shared ambitions, Ur relationship will be a lo26ah for everyone to admire.
Take a look at urself now my dear Mariomeh... U are lo26ah now! (specially that u are shaGrah!) And U will be a better lo26ah next year with ur Masters in ur hands and so on.
I second what ur sis said: If u are convinced that he is lo26ah and regard him as one, then he is, no matter what ppl around think.

And about our long comments: How do U expect us to write just 2-3 lines about such a dear and important mawdoo3?!!! :))

Ba7ibkom fi Allah yaa banat!

Anonymous said...

Khokha... thank you so much for your sweet words habeebti. You have no idea how much I miss you. Ya binti shu hal shagleh, we need to reunionize soon :) I get cramps when I think of the hilarious situations we found ourself in.

By the way Mariam... It just hit me.. on the topic of 3irsan. I just remembered a certain 3arees you have referred to as "logta" on this very blog, and I'm quoting you :) If you don't remember, he was Saudi, in his seventies... and he also had a deep appreciation for your unique culinary and barem-ary talents :) LOL

I hear he's still up for grabs (that is to say, rumor has it there's still a spot open). hehe.

Anonymous said...

Just to put the word in it's historical perspective: It originates from old egyptian movies , and is synonym to "loaded" i.e a rich , which reflects the old concept of evaluating the credentials of the suitor by his financial status. A lame concept !
A better term should be "suitable" or "compatible" life partner .

Mar Yoom said...

da77akteeni khokha, I totally relate to the constant use of online dictionaries. Allah iykhalleelna iyyahom:P

You don't wanna play with her scrabble. She makes up the weirdest words. And that's not the bad part, turns out they EXIST. Losing big time isn't fun. hehe

Oh and Dalia, give it a few years and maybe I'd seriously consider him then:P I mean, he did send me flowers (albeit with a very very 7afartali all-shades-of-reds-and-pinks card. What happened to your sense of style woman??). That shows a considerate and gentle soul. Those are seriously "lo2ta" qualities. So you never know. LOL

Special thanks to you, not-so-anonymous, for providing the history behind the word:) In that case, I'll make use of my trip to Egypt to further investigate the issue! :P

Anonymous said...


I downloaded WordWeb and it's my best freind now! Eshi mil aaaaakher! :)) I just highlight the word and it gives me ALL info about it. Oftenly I use it to get new sophisticated long synonyms to what I want to say! 2aal ya3ni ana ba3raf 3angalizi kwayyes! ;)

On a serious note...
One of the main reasons I enjoy reading ur blog is the beautiful language U have. U master the art of words and U color it with a wonderful English. U don't sound like an arab trying to speak English. Ur words just flow around and they are harmonic.
One can see that Dalia is more academic in her language while Urs is vivid and playful.

And I was very amused by ur "translated English" way of talking back in Amman! ;) LOOOOOOL

Allah ye7mikom! :roses and tulips:


Anonymous Me said...

What a hilarious post! I can't help you with your question since I'm clueless about that Arabic word. But I'm a die-hard romantic, and I think it's all about meeting the right person for you, not the richest or best-looking, if that's what it means. But hey, go for that master's degree, marriage or not!

As for bathrooms . . . I think the whole world - or at least the feminine world - is divided into people who chat in public bathrooms and people who don't. I avoid going in a bathroom with certain people at all costs because I know they'll want to keep up a steady stream of conversation even while I'm trying to pee. I just can't concentrate on the two things at once. :-)

Anonymous said...

I won't know what lo2ta is all bout. But hey haven't you heard

"Pink Is The New Black!"

Anonymous said...

Adding to Dalia's impeccable definition: your heart flutters when you see him.

Mar Yoom said...

friends don't come any sweeter:) you rock!

I chuckled at your bathroom story! hehehehe but I hear ya, juggling both is quite the challenge. I am a firm believer that one must be left to do their business in peace. It says so in one of those human rights petitions going around, I think. hehe

God I hope not. That would be plain scary and psychologically devastating. Not to mention ethically wrong!! LOL

awww. That's so romantic! Me wants! hehe

Oh who am I kidding, trashing fairy tales and chick flicks on my blog.
I AM a textbook case of a hopeless romantic.
A bunch of vivid flowers topped with the right combination of sweet words could instantly flip me head over heals.

There you go I've said it.

Anonymous said...

But there's a heartbroken Saudi dude shedding tears in disbelief.

Did he forget to send chocolate too? Is that it?

Cause the flowers were vivid. And the words were captivating. But last time I checked, your head and your heels hadn't changed position :P

Although reflecting on the expression, isn't our head always over our heels? Or am I missing something?

Yes, back to thesis.