Sunday, March 18, 2007

Keyboard Therapy

It took me years to master it, but once I did, it made my life so much easier.
Whenever I'd get upset from someone or something and go ahead and write an email in a fit of anger, I learnt (the hard way) to stop myself just seconds before I hit the "send" button. Then, I would save it. Next morning I would read it again, and if I still felt as strongly about it, I would go ahead and send it. I never did.
The outcome? My anger was extinguished, with minimum damage. I like that.

The reason I bring this up is cuz I'm thinking maybe I should follow the same strategy with my blog. But then again, maybe I shouldn't. After all, I do need to vent out one way or another. And after considering my options, I found them to be:

1. Open my room window and yell my throat out.
2. Call a friend.
3. Go for a run.
4. Write in my blog.

Option 1 isn't feasible mostly cuz, well, mom would stop me! :P But also because right now I'm not so much angry as I am sullen. I tend to fall into this state when things aren't working well for me. Talking - once a favorite pastime of mine- starts to feel like a heavy burden. I rarely initiate conversation. Any words I utter are restricted to answering direct questions, and they're usually muffled up. If left alone, I am benign. But if constantly bugged, I could snap and it could turn ugly.
Considering the above, option 2 is thus rendered obsolete.
A run would be ideal to lift up my spirits and to this day has never failed to revive my innate babbling forces. You gotta love endorphins! I wish I could go, but I can't get myself to. I'm physically drained and exhausted.

Which leaves me with my own "alternative therapy"; writing. It's amazing what therapeutic effects it carries. It's ideal if you think about it. I'm alone and free. I'm not being questioned and I'm under no pressure to present answers. I get the chance to reflect on things at my own pace, my own way. Those feelings and reflections then take the form of my piece of writing, which is more than just the words it presents. It is in essence a complete process of healing. Of finding my "inner peace" or whatever they call it. It works for me, and I'm glad.

Plus it's harmless. How much damage could you do with mere words? Of course, there's always the danger of literally boring someone who reads it to death:P Which is why they invented that tiny red "X" at the uppermost right corner of this window:) It has saved lives, I've heard.

But I won't deny it, on the long run, writing does little to change the reality behind the distress. It's just a coping mechanism, it can only go so far.
But it works for me. It offers me temporary relief, much like the Panadol I'm about to swallow for my headache, which is all I can hope for right now.


Anonymous said...

"But I won't deny it, on the long run, writing does little to change the reality behind the distress. It's just a coping mechanism, it can only go so far."
I loved this!

If I can't vent out, ba6oo2 o baf2aa3! I have to shout it out and to cry. Tears bring great releif most of times.
On the other hand, it solves nothing of the original problem, unless I say what I have inside for the concerned person.
God I still have along way to go to learn how to be diplomatic and smooth in dealing with conflicts.


Anonymous said...

Come on Sweet Dolls!
What happened to our 7alaqat? I really miss them! Sheddo el hemmeh 7abaybii!

Love U kteeer! :hugs:

Mar Yoom said...

Oh what are you saying, you're awesome when it comes to handling distress. I mean, the image of you looking at us all choked up and saying "ba3dain mat", to this day, makes me laugh till I literally can't anymore:P hehehehe

And the funniest thing, I have ZERO recollection of what you were saying min aslo!! I just remember it was the funniest most embarrassing thing ever:P Man crazy days.

Yeah we really should!! khalas this friday Inshallah:D for sure!