Wednesday, March 21, 2007

#$^U*%%%$*3/##2 (This is me swearing)

"Mariam don't forget to go down to your after-school duty now" (the one where you wait till the very last kid goes home).

"WHAT? There's gotta be a mistake. I haven't been informed, it's not my turn this month."

Fat chance. Apparently, it's "Mariam's" turn (a Mariam from another department), who happens to be nursing and gets to go home an hour earlier. Someone has to fill in for her, and since after all I am named Mariam, then the logical thing to do is to send me instead!
Brilliant, no?

I keep forgetting, is it a school I work in or an institute of BONEHEADEDNESS.

Yes I am severely upset actually. Crappy day, you see. and no that's not only because of the aforementioned incident. That was just added to spice things up.

So anyway, I resigned to my fate (even though I had a gazillion urgent things to do in class) and sat down with the kids waiting. In went a maid or a driver, scanned the faces for a bit, then out they'd go but this time with a school bag on their shoulder and a kid or two tailing behind. Do these kids even have parents?
Then right before my eyes, a kid's driver came and called him. The kid stood up, carried the bag and walked past the driver, then in the most careless and demeaning manner tossed the bag behind him and walked on. He DIDN'T EVEN glance back to make sure the driver picked it up. He didn't need to. People always pick his crap after him, and today is no different.

I was disgusted. If that kid was mine, I would be ashamed to call myself a mother. Sickening.

And you know what the worst part is? I wish it was just an isolated incident. But it's not. It's a mentality, a whole thriving culture. A culture where they not only expect, but demand, to be served. As if it's their birthright. And why shouldn't they when they are the "chosen ones", no?
They have noses stuck up so high, I don't even know how they manage to keep their feet on the ground. They see inferiority in everyone- who isn't local or a westerner, that is.
But it's the Asians working for them who take the hardest blow. I constantly hear the kids in the playground calling each other names like "yal hindi"-as if being Indian is an insult in it's own right. They make me physically sick.

I reflect back on my own childhood, and try to imagine what my mom would've done had she caught me calling someone "yal hindi" or "yal sodani". Let's just say I wouldn't be here today writing this post:) And deservedly so.

If I could go to each and every person who thinks for a second that he's better than any of those "servants", and personally smother their faces in mud, I would not hesitate for a second. In fact, I would relish every second of it.

Of course, there are people who aren't like that. People who are amazing. But sadly, a large part is. Large enough to warrant such an angry post.

And to those ones I say, you make me SICK.

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