Sunday, March 11, 2007

A pocketful of rocks

I've been missing in action these last few days. We're starting a new chapter with the kids (Earth science: rocks, minerals, landforms, volcanoes and earthquakes, you name it!) so I am pretty much swamped what with all the lesson plans and resources I must put together. I have been caught acting weird as well; like walking around with pockets filled with rocks and sand. As if people needed yet another proof for my questionable mental stability. Geez, the job description I received at the start of the year doesn't even begin to do the job justice. I will be campaigning to add a few clauses. The people must KNOW.

It's great having your sis as your biggest blog fan. With nothing but rocks on my mind, I have neglected bloggie dear bloggie. Won't happen again sis. Me loves you! Bloggie loves you as well:)

I'm at school now and so I can't keep on writing any longer. But I'll be back.

But for now I'll leave you with an excerpt from today's lesson on Minerals:

Ms. Mariam: We've seen how minerals have very different and beautiful colors to help us tell them apart. But sometimes two minerals can look the same. Like diamond and quartz. See this quartz I'm holding in my hand. It's just like a diamond.


Ms. Mariam: Easy boys- No way! If I owned a big chunk of diamond like that I'd be on my own island right now, and definitely not standing here showing it to you!! I mean I love you boys, but come on. This is quartz, we use it to make glass. I can sell it and buy, dunno, gum maybe.

*wave of disappointment washes over their once excited expressions* so much for having a millionaire teacher to brag about!


Anonymous said...

You know what this reminds me of? When I first started hiking, I was like a kid in a candy store. There were such beautiful rocks all around, I would immediately start pocketing rocks like crazy.

Of course, it didn't take me long to realize that rocks in pockets are dead weight I have to carry (a dead weight that seems to get heavier as time passes) so perhaps I should restrict rock collecting to the end of a hike.

It would be awesome if you could take your kids hiking in Jordan, it's a geologist's heaven. You could teach them all about earth sciences in a way they'll never forget.

Mar Yoom said...

Oh I hear ya sis! Also, rocks look soooo pretty and colorful when they are wet, I used to get pocketfuls as well. I would always get so disappointed when they dry up and look like, well, just another rock. Pale and colorless!

Every now and then, I still find a tiny rock or two hidden deeply in my hiking pants! Funny.

Anonymous said...


I would not mind going back to 4th grade for a couple of months! Ur kids know about geology more than me :))

Hey Banat Rafiqat 3azizat: What was 7alaqet last week about??!! And next week's?

Love U ya a7laa banat bil Husseini kolhom! :))

Mar Yoom said...


Khokha, did I ever mention that you are my favorite person EVER? (the fact that this declaration comes minutes after you said I was pretty is purely by chance:P)

We didn't watch last week's episode, so we'll watch it together this Friday inshallah! Dalia will email us the details I'm sure:)

Love you!