Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Boy have I been craving this.

The above "this" actually refers to multiple things. One would be an afternoon nap, where I'm not required to set my alarm clock cuz, well, it really isn't that big a deal if I overslept. I just woke up from such a nap actually (didn't oversleep though. Bummer).
Another would be a free afternoon to chill at home, which isn't spent scribbling "to do lists" and attempting to scratch out as much in as little time as possible. I'm enjoying such an afternoon right now.
The whiff of fresh mint from my hot tea cup, which I'm inhaling as I type this.

But mostly, I've been craving to write. I can't help but wear a smile as I snuggle on the computer seat and put on my weird looking glasses (which aren't weird per se, but years of being my property, and the natural wear and tear effects that accompany being repeatedly sat on, and mistaken for a puck by my crazy hocky-playing cat have had their toll I'm afraid).

Things lately have been insanely hectic, that my blog had to take a back seat. Not that I didn't do my share of writing. But I think you would understand that writing a lesson plan and a million worksheets is hardly the same. My heart longed to be able to write whatever my thoughts brought forth. To write, not because I have to or because it's part of my job description, but because I want to. Because I love to.

And now, my prayers have been finally answered! Man I knew I shoulda wished for a Ferrari (not really. I'm not that into cars, but you get the point)

One thing that has been ticking me off is the fact that even though Kuwait is currently determinedly hanging on to the very last bits of "winter"- meaning the weather is absolutely gorgeous especially in the mornings and afternoons- I haven't been doing any running.

It's quite funny really. I've been wanting to write for so long, but now I'm not sure what to write about. But as my very famous made-up-this-very-instant saying goes: To write something is a little problem, to write nothing is a huge one.

Gee, that sounded so deep- although I must admit I don't have a clue what it means. Oh pardon me, I'm implying that it should mean anything. Let me rephrase: this is the most intelligent sounding gibberish I've uttered for a while. I make myself proud sometimes.

Okay I'm plainly out of practice here, so I will quit trying to produce a piece of writing with an actual theme, well thought out body and which, um, makes actual sense. At least I tried, so cut me some slack.

So What's up with pedestrians in this country? No I'm serious. I consider myself to be the most pedestrian-friendly driver you will ever come across. Mostly because I've spent most of my college years walking the busy streets of Amman and, watching cars zoom by without even a second's consideration of the ridiculous possibility of actually slowing down so I could, God forbid, cross the street. Being almost run over was as common as flu when the flu bugs start to bite.

I'd always choose walking over driving, but here in Kuwait that can't really happen. And yet the streets are full of Asian workers who must rely on their own feet and public transport.
I make it a point to stop and nod or wave to them to go ahead and cross. Always. And the natural thing for them is to, well, cross the road! Maybe even acknowledge me with a nod or a wave. But for the most part, you just rush to cross the street before the driver changes their mind or worse, a maniac comes speeding and cuts you short. It 's really a very uncomplicated foolproof routine: they slow down, wave, you cross, wave, it's as simple and natural as unwrapping a candy bar! Everyone is happy. And yet it is never accomplished successfully, at least not here and not with me.

They never cross the street. It's like a "You go ahead no YOU go ahead no really YOU go ahead" match between us. I swear to God.
And it always ends in me passing and waving at them as a thank you for letting me pass. It's hilariously weird. For some reason, pedestrians here feel the need to let me pass the street. Does that happen with anyone else? I can't get my head round it really.

Hmm. I can see now that I have made the decision of naming this post "cravings", and in a final and desperate attempt at making this a coherent *sarcastic cough* post, I will return to talking about cravings, if only to give the impression that I knew where this was heading all along. But of course I did.

I remember back in college, whenever I used to take naps in the afternoon, I'd wake up with this relentless unquenchable craving for something sweet. Nothing I did would make it go away (including playing tag with my crazy cat and suddenly deciding to declutter my closet). I just had to get my sugar fix to function normally.
Lately though, I would wake up from naps with no trace of that get-me-some-sugar-NOW feeling. This has caused me considerable worry and anguish. I even convinced myself that my body has gone out of whack and isn't sending me the right signals, so I go ahead and get the sugar fix anyway, just in case. Wouldn't want to risk sugar depletion, it's a serious thing you know.

Today I subbed for Dalia, who teaches the Grade 4 girls science, and minutes before recess time one of the girls opened her lunch bag and proudly displayed a plastic bag full of baby carrots (we've just finished the unit on health and nutrition). I gave the appropriate delighted/excited/surprised gasp and we all gave her a hand of applause for choosing a healthy diet. I also shared with them the fact that I used to take a bagful of carrots to school and was thus referred to as "bunny" for quite some time. I have a feeling I'm gonna regret that.

There was no stopping them, each and every girl started taking out her healthy food, cucumbers, strawberries, apples, you name it! I was happy to see them putting what they've learnt into practice!
As far as the boys go, their lunch bags full of chips are still alive and kicking as far as I can tell. And their hands are always smothered with chips pieces after recess. It's gross.
"Hey Fahad, go wash your hands. Wait and your face. And shirt. And neck. Oh forget it just take a shower when you get home".


I might be a hopeless chocoholic, but chips is just not my thing. I can't remember the last time I ate chips. With the exception of tortilla chips with dip. I remember as kids we used to go to that Mexican restaurant and while they get your order ready, instead of bread, they'd give you a huge bowl of tortillas with yummy dips, and they'd instantly refill it. I don't think I've ever gotten to taste my main dish. They were so good.

I think I've had more than my fair share of cravings today. Right now I'm craving my soft pillow. And a good book to read under my bed side lamp.

The awesomest part is, I can do just that!


Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have experienced no such lack of post-nap sugar craving. It's still alive and kicking. There really has to be something to take care of it or things get ugly. That's why I bake cookies, and then eat them. Oops.

When you come to Boston sisso, I'll have to take you to the restaurant Lizzy first took me to announcing it had "bottomless tortilla chips". I think a non-Ramadan visit to Boston is in order.

By the way, I don't know if I should bring this up. But as far as chips go (or derivatives thereof), I remember you being sincerely upset and disappointed when I didn't get you..... ummm.. "Bugles", was it? from Amman :)

You were cute. That was before some people, said some things, and you felt compelled to go crazy healthy with your eating. While I'm happy that your little girls are eating healthy, I hope it isn't tied to anything more sinister than a sincere love for stawberries and wanting to enrich their bodies with good things.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have experienced no such lack of post-nap sugar craving. It's still alive and kicking. There really has to be something to take care of it or things get ugly. That's why I bake cookies, and then eat them. Oops.

When you come to Boston sisso, I'll have to take you to the restaurant Lizzy first took me to announcing it had "bottomless tortilla chips". I think a non-Ramadan visit to Boston is in order.

By the way, I don't know if I should bring this up. But as far as chips go (or derivatives thereof), I remember you being sincerely upset and disappointed when I didn't get you..... ummm.. "Bugles", was it? from Amman :)

You were cute. That was before some people, said some things, and you felt compelled to go crazy healthy with your eating. While I'm happy that your little girls are eating healthy, I hope it isn't tied to anything more sinister than a sincere love for stawberries and wanting to enrich their bodies with good things.

Anonymous said...

Apology for the double posting. My laptop has been acting insane lately. I don't see what its problem is, apart from me that is :)

Anonymous said...

The tea, something sweet and fruit is part of the afternoon nap experience. U wake up, make a short visit to the loo and U drink Ur tea afterwards. Heyyeh haik! And I love to do it :))
God I miss living in an Arabic country.

Mar Yoom said...

you crack me up.
We miss having you in Arabic countries too:) How else will the people stay entertained;P

Oh don't remind me about my visit to Boston while fasting. A true test of will:P
awwwwwww, I STILL want that bugles!!! You git! how come you didn't get them for me! They were like 15 piasters or something you ku7teh:P
crazy lady! now I can't stop thinking about them:) hehehe