Saturday, June 16, 2007

Looks Like We've Made It

Packed-up boxes. Stacks of chairs. Eerily silent halls. Doors and walls stripped of their glamour...

Yep. It's official. School is over! (well just a couple more days but they don't really count). And what do you know, I did it! I have managed to successfully complete my first year of teaching. It's been a rocky climb, that's for sure. But I made it to the top. Alhamdulillah!

And the fact that it was my "very first classroom" made it so special. In years to come, I hope to have plenty more classrooms to decorate, lesson plans to design, and students to share all kinds of wonderful memories with, and hopefully manage to inspire a bunch:) My new experiences will be special in their own way. But still, the "very first" anything has a different taste. Not necessarily completely pleasant, but definitely memorable:)

I'll be missing my very first classroom. But I'll also be missing my very first blog. I'll no longer be posting here. So this is officially my "Very Last Post". It also happens to be my 201st post. Gee, to think I babbled on 200 times in the course of an academic year. And to actually have had devoted family members and friends who stuck with me through it all, constantly offering me words of encouragement, and giving me a laugh when I most needed one. Doesn't get any better. My experience this year wouldn't have been the same without you guys:) You rock my world!

Special thanks to my sis, who hands down is the best blog-reader/commenter I could ask for. You might've been continents away, but your hilarious comments made it feel like you were in the next room hollering at me to fetch you the dictionary. You know, the good old days, when I was 7 and shamlessly exploited as your official "fetcher girl":P Good days. I wonder what Human Rights Watch would have to say about it;)

Not to forget my less-obvious but equally devoted readers, mommy, auntie, Nasser, and as of recently; Abood and dad. Can't ask for cooler audience;)
Khokha of course, is also my favorite:) Where are you girl? You're missed. Big time!

Having you all in mind as I wrote, made it a lot more fun:)

Okay enough about the past, let's talk future tense. I'm crazily excited about my new endeavour! Boston here I come insha'Allah! So for the rest of the week, most of my babbling will concern my upcoming travels and brand new life back as a university student:) Sweet.

It is only appropriate then, I figured, to announce the launch of my new blog. It's called "Where Crisp Leaves Fall". Can you tell my heart is skipping at the idea of finally being surrounded with the breathtaking and mesmerising New England foliage? Absolutely magical.....

Guess that's goodbye.

Not so fast! The babbling continues. Just a click away in fact. Go ahead, click. You can't hang around here forever, now can you?


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