Packed-up boxes. Stacks of chairs. Eerily silent halls. Doors and walls stripped of their glamour...
Yep. It's official. School is over! (well just a couple more days but they don't really count). And what do you know, I did it! I have managed to successfully complete my first year of teaching. It's been a rocky climb, that's for sure. But I made it to the top. Alhamdulillah!
And the fact that it was my "very first classroom" made it so special. In years to come, I hope to have plenty more classrooms to decorate, lesson plans to design, and students to share all kinds of wonderful memories with, and hopefully manage to inspire a bunch:) My new experiences will be special in their own way. But still, the "very first" anything has a different taste. Not necessarily completely pleasant, but definitely memorable:)
I'll be missing my very first classroom. But I'll also be missing my very first blog. I'll no longer be posting here. So this is officially my "Very Last Post". It also happens to be my 201st post. Gee, to think I babbled on 200 times in the course of an academic year. And to actually have had devoted family members and friends who stuck with me through it all, constantly offering me words of encouragement, and giving me a laugh when I most needed one. Doesn't get any better. My experience this year wouldn't have been the same without you guys:) You rock my world!
Special thanks to my sis, who hands down is the best blog-reader/commenter I could ask for. You might've been continents away, but your hilarious comments made it feel like you were in the next room hollering at me to fetch you the dictionary. You know, the good old days, when I was 7 and shamlessly exploited as your official "fetcher girl":P Good days. I wonder what Human Rights Watch would have to say about it;)
Not to forget my less-obvious but equally devoted readers, mommy, auntie, Nasser, and as of recently; Abood and dad. Can't ask for cooler audience;)
Khokha of course, is also my favorite:) Where are you girl? You're missed. Big time!
Having you all in mind as I wrote, made it a lot more fun:)
Okay enough about the past, let's talk future tense. I'm crazily excited about my new endeavour! Boston here I come insha'Allah! So for the rest of the week, most of my babbling will concern my upcoming travels and brand new life back as a university student:) Sweet.
It is only appropriate then, I figured, to announce the launch of my new blog. It's called "Where Crisp Leaves Fall". Can you tell my heart is skipping at the idea of finally being surrounded with the breathtaking and mesmerising New England foliage? Absolutely magical.....
Guess that's goodbye.
Not so fast! The babbling continues. Just a click away in fact. Go ahead, click. You can't hang around here forever, now can you?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
An afternoon of music
This is what I've been hearing this afternoon.. over and over. It's the first time I know of Zain Bhikha. His tender voice along with meaningful lyrics make for a very relaxing and joyful musical experience:)
Allah Knows
The Heart Of A Muslim
Allah Knows
The Heart Of A Muslim
Monday, June 11, 2007
Dust Is All Around
I have reached a point where I actually have to grasp my head with both hands and squeeze it tight each time I cough to make it less painful. Who knew you could develop a piercing headache from a cough overdoze? Amazing.
Of course it didn't help that when I looked out of the classroom window today I found the world to be completely white. No not snow silly. Dust. Pale ugly dust. Yeah. That was pretty much the final blow. I was later found choking on a spoonful of dust and mumbling my own version of "Love Is All Around":
I feel it in my windpipe
I feel it in my nose
The dust that's all around me
And so my breath slowly goes
It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love me
Come on and let it go
How appropriate and expressive of my sorry state.
Not that I'm here to complain. Alhamdulillah. The images of those penguins are still fresh and vivid. Even with a nasty cough, I've still got it easy trust me. Unless of course I suddenly get deported to the south pole along with my cough, get starved for 3 months, then asked to walk 70 miles just to end up gobbled up by a leopard seal. I think I most definitely deserve to complain then.
Seriously now. I'm determined to be thankful and not to whine. Because lately each time I whine about something, I end up seeing or hearing about someone (that's right, a human being, not a penguin) who has it much worse. As in much much worse. I end up feeling ashamed and small. Not particularly pleasant.
Alhamdulillah. That's my mantra in this freshly embraced gratitute spirit. Saying it over and over really changes your mindset. Alhamdulillah. I could have it much worse. I could be allergic, say, to chocolate. Hey I could be allergic to chocolate AND living in the south pole. Geez.
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
Therefore remember Me, I will remember you and give thanks to Me and be not ungrateful to Me (Quran, 2:152).
If you are thankful, surely I will increase more (favors) for you. (14:7)
And He gives you all that you ask of Him. And if you count Allah’s favours, you will not be able to number them. Surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful (14: 34)
And if We make man taste mercy from Us, then take it off from him, most surely he is despairing, ungrateful.
Of course it didn't help that when I looked out of the classroom window today I found the world to be completely white. No not snow silly. Dust. Pale ugly dust. Yeah. That was pretty much the final blow. I was later found choking on a spoonful of dust and mumbling my own version of "Love Is All Around":
I feel it in my windpipe
I feel it in my nose
The dust that's all around me
And so my breath slowly goes
It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love me
Come on and let it go
How appropriate and expressive of my sorry state.
Not that I'm here to complain. Alhamdulillah. The images of those penguins are still fresh and vivid. Even with a nasty cough, I've still got it easy trust me. Unless of course I suddenly get deported to the south pole along with my cough, get starved for 3 months, then asked to walk 70 miles just to end up gobbled up by a leopard seal. I think I most definitely deserve to complain then.
Seriously now. I'm determined to be thankful and not to whine. Because lately each time I whine about something, I end up seeing or hearing about someone (that's right, a human being, not a penguin) who has it much worse. As in much much worse. I end up feeling ashamed and small. Not particularly pleasant.
Alhamdulillah. That's my mantra in this freshly embraced gratitute spirit. Saying it over and over really changes your mindset. Alhamdulillah. I could have it much worse. I could be allergic, say, to chocolate. Hey I could be allergic to chocolate AND living in the south pole. Geez.
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
Therefore remember Me, I will remember you and give thanks to Me and be not ungrateful to Me (Quran, 2:152).
If you are thankful, surely I will increase more (favors) for you. (14:7)
And He gives you all that you ask of Him. And if you count Allah’s favours, you will not be able to number them. Surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful (14: 34)
And if We make man taste mercy from Us, then take it off from him, most surely he is despairing, ungrateful.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
What I've been up to
Not all the other teachers are as lucky (the English teachers are swamped with work still), but I really have nothing to do in school these days. It's been so boring. I've packed the boxes, finished all the necessary filings, and curriculum work. My productivity level is now subzero. In the sense that I distract the hardworking teachers when I'm bored, with stuff like barging in with my batch of muffins and announcing an impromptu muffin party. What fun!
But when I found myself staring intensely at a "steak, chicken and kabob" recipes on, I knew I had to do something. This cannot continue. I don't even like meat all that much. I picked up my cell and made an urgent phone call.
Me: morning! So I have a proposal. If you agree to come around my place after you're done with your training, I'll take a leave from work early and we'll spend the day. I didn't use up all my leaves yet.
Fatima: oh I wish. But I don't have a car today, that's why I didn't even go to train. I'm at home.
Me: just as well, I'll pick you up right now. Be ready.
Fatima: uh, okay!
And that is how I called it a day at work four hours earlier, in favor of a much more interesting day. We treated ourselves to a homemade breakfast, with tea and all. Then sat, armed with platefuls of cheesecake, and watched "March of the penguins". It is such an amazing documentary. Now I understand why each time I used to complain to mama, she'd say "just go and watch the penguin DVD and you'll see what's worth complaining about". I have never been more grateful that I am not a penguin than this morning. Oh and the tiny chicks are so fluffy and adorable, they make you wanna jump into the screen and hug them flat! I want my own tiny penguin:)
Fatima (after hearing what most probably is my 107th cough in the last 2 hours): are you going to die?
Me: umm. Well. I dunno really. I was kinda hoping to stick around a bit longer.
I finally went to my doctor's appointment. Last time I saw him was almost a year ago, and I forgot what an absolutely amazing refined person he is. Dr. Khaled Al-Subaih. He is the gentlest of gentlemen. The way he talks to you, treats you, and takes the time to explain and hear you out and even engage you in small talk. He's such a genteel and gracious person. And of course an amazing well-reputed doctor (hey I had to wait a whole week for an appointment). But it's so worth it. It's not everyday you meet such a person. It's so refreshing. They make the world seem like such a wonderful wonderful place!
I always leave his clinic with a feeling of intense guilt because of the stereotypes I admit I foster with regards to male Kuwaitis. But then I drive back home and I'm almost thrown off the road by the lunatic tailgating me, or the zigzagging freak who seems to mistake the road for his prom dance floor, and suddenly I'm not feeling so guilty. Just plain terrified for my life.
He gave me a new cough medicine to consume. Let's hope this one will work and make the agony of drinking it worthwhile. Okay I'm not being truthful since I've perfected a method that guarantees minimal exposure to taste. I begin by closing my nose tight (so tight in fact that when I finally let go it's always red and a bit swollen), then instantly after drinking it (and with my nose still pressed shut) I rinse my mouth to rid it of any remaining droplets, drink water, then quickly gulp in things that have very strong tastes. When I feel that the chances of any stray cough droplets still lurking inside my mouth is slim to none, I venture open my now bright red nose and smile in satisfaction when I taste nothing.
Not the most dignified approach to cough medicine consumption, granted. But it works, and that's all that counts really.
But when I found myself staring intensely at a "steak, chicken and kabob" recipes on, I knew I had to do something. This cannot continue. I don't even like meat all that much. I picked up my cell and made an urgent phone call.
Me: morning! So I have a proposal. If you agree to come around my place after you're done with your training, I'll take a leave from work early and we'll spend the day. I didn't use up all my leaves yet.
Fatima: oh I wish. But I don't have a car today, that's why I didn't even go to train. I'm at home.
Me: just as well, I'll pick you up right now. Be ready.
Fatima: uh, okay!
And that is how I called it a day at work four hours earlier, in favor of a much more interesting day. We treated ourselves to a homemade breakfast, with tea and all. Then sat, armed with platefuls of cheesecake, and watched "March of the penguins". It is such an amazing documentary. Now I understand why each time I used to complain to mama, she'd say "just go and watch the penguin DVD and you'll see what's worth complaining about". I have never been more grateful that I am not a penguin than this morning. Oh and the tiny chicks are so fluffy and adorable, they make you wanna jump into the screen and hug them flat! I want my own tiny penguin:)
Fatima (after hearing what most probably is my 107th cough in the last 2 hours): are you going to die?
Me: umm. Well. I dunno really. I was kinda hoping to stick around a bit longer.
I finally went to my doctor's appointment. Last time I saw him was almost a year ago, and I forgot what an absolutely amazing refined person he is. Dr. Khaled Al-Subaih. He is the gentlest of gentlemen. The way he talks to you, treats you, and takes the time to explain and hear you out and even engage you in small talk. He's such a genteel and gracious person. And of course an amazing well-reputed doctor (hey I had to wait a whole week for an appointment). But it's so worth it. It's not everyday you meet such a person. It's so refreshing. They make the world seem like such a wonderful wonderful place!
I always leave his clinic with a feeling of intense guilt because of the stereotypes I admit I foster with regards to male Kuwaitis. But then I drive back home and I'm almost thrown off the road by the lunatic tailgating me, or the zigzagging freak who seems to mistake the road for his prom dance floor, and suddenly I'm not feeling so guilty. Just plain terrified for my life.
He gave me a new cough medicine to consume. Let's hope this one will work and make the agony of drinking it worthwhile. Okay I'm not being truthful since I've perfected a method that guarantees minimal exposure to taste. I begin by closing my nose tight (so tight in fact that when I finally let go it's always red and a bit swollen), then instantly after drinking it (and with my nose still pressed shut) I rinse my mouth to rid it of any remaining droplets, drink water, then quickly gulp in things that have very strong tastes. When I feel that the chances of any stray cough droplets still lurking inside my mouth is slim to none, I venture open my now bright red nose and smile in satisfaction when I taste nothing.
Not the most dignified approach to cough medicine consumption, granted. But it works, and that's all that counts really.
Friday, June 08, 2007
All out of tricks
Mommy come back. You are sorely sorely missed. (not really mommy, enjoy your time. I'm sorry, I'm just being whiny:)
Like I said, I'm all out of tricks. I've entertained myself long enough, the inevitable downhill has finally arrived. And I've been rolling down all day.
I'm feeling so lousy, and the cough is alive and kicking the wind out of my windpipe. Also, the new arrival of a terrible headache completely busted any plans I had of being physically active today. Yep, text book symptoms of "mommy deprivation". It's here and it's ugly.
On a positive note, I just discovered the yummiest, most wholesome drink ever. Boil water, then steep in some ginger, then add lemon and honey. Mmmmmm. frankly, it didn't particularly make me feel better. But it's so hot and soothing and yummy:) I must've drank a bucketful of it today. At least.
In two weeks I'll be leaving Kuwait for good insha'Allah. I've been meaning to write a post about the things I'll miss around here. I think we'd all agree that the timing now is perfect. Well, except of course that I'm feeling lousy, but I expect you to be understanding and just ignore any parts that don't make sense. And also be tolerant when you notice my writing style to be very wanting. Thank you.
It's been two years since I came back to live with my parents here. I've spent the better part of those two years either whining about being in Kuwait or planning my escape. Not in a million years would I have thought I'd be able to come up with more than a couple of things I'd miss about being here, and only if I were severely pressed. Let alone a complete list. And yet, my brain is now crammed with things I'll be missing. Life is funny. I'm sure there's a lesson for me to learn here, but my brain is too exhausted to try to figure it out.
So here goes...
Things I'll miss about being in Kuwait:
1. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy. Daddy.
I can't say that enough. Being with them is what made it all worthwhile. I'm going to miss them terribly. Naturally I'm biased, but I would vote them best parents ever to have lived on this planet any time of the year! And they'd still be under appreciated.
2. Waking up and finding mom already up and sipping on her latte.
For the life of me, I can't remember a single time through out my life where I woke up and found my mom to be still asleep. It isn't morning if my mom isn't up. I think at some point in my childhood I believed it was my mom who woke up the sunshine:)
3. Hugging my mom goodbye every morning before leaving and hearing her say a prayer for me.
4. Sitting in the living room together after dad arrives from his squash game and watch him animatedly share with us the details of his game. He gets us so involved as we relive the game and its most intense moments:)
5. Mosques. The abundance of mosques. There's a mosque in each corner. Oh and they actually have the womens' section open. I have abundant Ammani memories of having to literally drag the Imam out of his house to find the key and open the door for me. Something I didn't have to do here.
6. Going to the the mosque with dad. And peeking from upstairs until I spot him. I guess that's one of the things you can't outgrow. Such thrill in knowing you can watch them while they are clueless:)
7. Our Thursday family day. A ritual that survived the test of time, and the dwindling number of family members actually present. It's the best day of the week!
8. Constantly and publicly ridiculing mom's reality shows, but then ending up hooked on "Hell's kitchen", which eventually became part of our motherly-daughterly Friday ritual. (disclaimer: I still despise reality shows. This is the exception that proves the rule:). Oh by the way mom, next Friday will be the season finale. Oh and today Keith got kicked out *gasp*. I KNOW.
9. Sitting in a coffee shop with dad and talking. Just talking about this and that.
10. Playing scrabble and snakes and ladders with mom.
Okay so the list isn't that long. But hey, at least it's more than two points. And it mostly revolves around my lovely parents. Because let's face it, Kuwait is an okay place I guess, but if it wasn't for the fact that my parents were here, I'd leave without so much as a glance back.
But they are here, and that is why I'll be leaving part of my heart behind. A very big chunk of it at that. I've always been an advocate for the saying "Home is where your heart is". Only problem is, my heart is being tugged in a lot of directions, the poor thing is confused. That's the downside of having all those dear to you spread out in the big big world.
But as the song goes..."I'm a big big girl in a big big world"
And hopefully my heart is big big enough to handle being on three different continents simultaneously:)
Like I said, I'm all out of tricks. I've entertained myself long enough, the inevitable downhill has finally arrived. And I've been rolling down all day.
I'm feeling so lousy, and the cough is alive and kicking the wind out of my windpipe. Also, the new arrival of a terrible headache completely busted any plans I had of being physically active today. Yep, text book symptoms of "mommy deprivation". It's here and it's ugly.
On a positive note, I just discovered the yummiest, most wholesome drink ever. Boil water, then steep in some ginger, then add lemon and honey. Mmmmmm. frankly, it didn't particularly make me feel better. But it's so hot and soothing and yummy:) I must've drank a bucketful of it today. At least.
In two weeks I'll be leaving Kuwait for good insha'Allah. I've been meaning to write a post about the things I'll miss around here. I think we'd all agree that the timing now is perfect. Well, except of course that I'm feeling lousy, but I expect you to be understanding and just ignore any parts that don't make sense. And also be tolerant when you notice my writing style to be very wanting. Thank you.
It's been two years since I came back to live with my parents here. I've spent the better part of those two years either whining about being in Kuwait or planning my escape. Not in a million years would I have thought I'd be able to come up with more than a couple of things I'd miss about being here, and only if I were severely pressed. Let alone a complete list. And yet, my brain is now crammed with things I'll be missing. Life is funny. I'm sure there's a lesson for me to learn here, but my brain is too exhausted to try to figure it out.
So here goes...
Things I'll miss about being in Kuwait:
1. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy. Daddy. Mommy. Daddy.
I can't say that enough. Being with them is what made it all worthwhile. I'm going to miss them terribly. Naturally I'm biased, but I would vote them best parents ever to have lived on this planet any time of the year! And they'd still be under appreciated.
2. Waking up and finding mom already up and sipping on her latte.
For the life of me, I can't remember a single time through out my life where I woke up and found my mom to be still asleep. It isn't morning if my mom isn't up. I think at some point in my childhood I believed it was my mom who woke up the sunshine:)
3. Hugging my mom goodbye every morning before leaving and hearing her say a prayer for me.
4. Sitting in the living room together after dad arrives from his squash game and watch him animatedly share with us the details of his game. He gets us so involved as we relive the game and its most intense moments:)
5. Mosques. The abundance of mosques. There's a mosque in each corner. Oh and they actually have the womens' section open. I have abundant Ammani memories of having to literally drag the Imam out of his house to find the key and open the door for me. Something I didn't have to do here.
6. Going to the the mosque with dad. And peeking from upstairs until I spot him. I guess that's one of the things you can't outgrow. Such thrill in knowing you can watch them while they are clueless:)
7. Our Thursday family day. A ritual that survived the test of time, and the dwindling number of family members actually present. It's the best day of the week!
8. Constantly and publicly ridiculing mom's reality shows, but then ending up hooked on "Hell's kitchen", which eventually became part of our motherly-daughterly Friday ritual. (disclaimer: I still despise reality shows. This is the exception that proves the rule:). Oh by the way mom, next Friday will be the season finale. Oh and today Keith got kicked out *gasp*. I KNOW.
9. Sitting in a coffee shop with dad and talking. Just talking about this and that.
10. Playing scrabble and snakes and ladders with mom.
Okay so the list isn't that long. But hey, at least it's more than two points. And it mostly revolves around my lovely parents. Because let's face it, Kuwait is an okay place I guess, but if it wasn't for the fact that my parents were here, I'd leave without so much as a glance back.
But they are here, and that is why I'll be leaving part of my heart behind. A very big chunk of it at that. I've always been an advocate for the saying "Home is where your heart is". Only problem is, my heart is being tugged in a lot of directions, the poor thing is confused. That's the downside of having all those dear to you spread out in the big big world.
But as the song goes..."I'm a big big girl in a big big world"
And hopefully my heart is big big enough to handle being on three different continents simultaneously:)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Bugged by coughs
I finally decided to do something about that nasty cough that seems to have tightened its grip on me for the last 3 days. It's one of those allergy-induced dry coughs that literally tears your windpipe apart and leaves your throat red and raw. Lately I've been consuming Strepils (lemon and honey flavored, yum!) like it was a new food group or something.
This morning I did some online research about my cough, then walked to our nearby pharmacy. The pharmacist is something of a friend of mine. A friendship that developed at the dear price of continuously paying an arm and a leg on allergy medicines and Cortisone nasal sprays. I opened the door just as I was attacked by a string of painful coughs.
Pharmacist friend: Allergy's giving you a hard time, eh?
I managed a smile, half a nod and 3 coughs in answer.
I left with a new packet of allergy pills and some cough syrup. Syrup? Yikes. I cringed at the thought. I don't remember the last time I took syrup. Actually I do remember. I was 4 and it literally took 5 able-bodied grownups to pin me down and stick that spoonful of bitterness into my throat. I fought hard.
When I was old enough to swallow pills, I swore off syrups. And up until this morning, I felt no shame declaring to my doctors upon seeing them scribble a syrup prescription that "sorry I don't drink syrups. They taste like crap".
But today I said nothing. Maybe it has something to do with having become a teacher. I mean, let's face it, I still act crazy a lot, so maybe I felt the need to outgrow something (anything!) to get a sense of accomplishment. You know, tangible evidence of my long-overdue maturity.
I swallowed it with minimal drama (unless you count the sound effects and facial expressions). Hopefully it'll suppress my cough insha'Allah, because I don't think I can cough one more time.
I've been taking it easy this morning, since I'm still beat up from my long day yesterday. I spent 16 hours straight outside the house. Although none of them involved strenuous physical activity, I still feel every bit of me aching. At one point yesterday I did sleep on my classroom floor yet again. So that'll explain the pain in my neck and hips.
As a token of my appreciation, I had promised Ahmed to take him wall climbing, which I did yesterday. I met with him, Ms. Darci and his 2-year-old cute sister. We had burgers at Johnny Rockets, then took him climbing. It was his first time, so there was a lot of "Aaah I'm falling"s involved. But I think he had fun. I hadn't actually gone climbing ever since I posted about it months earlier. Maybe I'll go soon. I was itching to climb yesterday, but I had a skirt on (although admittedly, it served as a handy excuse when Ahmed suddenly exclaimed "oh you are laughing at me??? Let me see you climb the level 3!") .
Time's flying by. It's already 2 pm., although I feel I just woke up a while ago (which is far from the truth, since I woke up at like 6 am. or something). It wasn't a very productive morning, with the exception of preparing the beds for my friends who should be sleeping over this weekend, and making yummy muffins. Speaking of which, I think I ate one muffin too much.
What do you know, it's already time to take my 2nd dose of cough syrup. Brace yourselves people, this may turn ugly.
This morning I did some online research about my cough, then walked to our nearby pharmacy. The pharmacist is something of a friend of mine. A friendship that developed at the dear price of continuously paying an arm and a leg on allergy medicines and Cortisone nasal sprays. I opened the door just as I was attacked by a string of painful coughs.
Pharmacist friend: Allergy's giving you a hard time, eh?
I managed a smile, half a nod and 3 coughs in answer.
I left with a new packet of allergy pills and some cough syrup. Syrup? Yikes. I cringed at the thought. I don't remember the last time I took syrup. Actually I do remember. I was 4 and it literally took 5 able-bodied grownups to pin me down and stick that spoonful of bitterness into my throat. I fought hard.
When I was old enough to swallow pills, I swore off syrups. And up until this morning, I felt no shame declaring to my doctors upon seeing them scribble a syrup prescription that "sorry I don't drink syrups. They taste like crap".
But today I said nothing. Maybe it has something to do with having become a teacher. I mean, let's face it, I still act crazy a lot, so maybe I felt the need to outgrow something (anything!) to get a sense of accomplishment. You know, tangible evidence of my long-overdue maturity.
I swallowed it with minimal drama (unless you count the sound effects and facial expressions). Hopefully it'll suppress my cough insha'Allah, because I don't think I can cough one more time.
I've been taking it easy this morning, since I'm still beat up from my long day yesterday. I spent 16 hours straight outside the house. Although none of them involved strenuous physical activity, I still feel every bit of me aching. At one point yesterday I did sleep on my classroom floor yet again. So that'll explain the pain in my neck and hips.
As a token of my appreciation, I had promised Ahmed to take him wall climbing, which I did yesterday. I met with him, Ms. Darci and his 2-year-old cute sister. We had burgers at Johnny Rockets, then took him climbing. It was his first time, so there was a lot of "Aaah I'm falling"s involved. But I think he had fun. I hadn't actually gone climbing ever since I posted about it months earlier. Maybe I'll go soon. I was itching to climb yesterday, but I had a skirt on (although admittedly, it served as a handy excuse when Ahmed suddenly exclaimed "oh you are laughing at me??? Let me see you climb the level 3!") .
Time's flying by. It's already 2 pm., although I feel I just woke up a while ago (which is far from the truth, since I woke up at like 6 am. or something). It wasn't a very productive morning, with the exception of preparing the beds for my friends who should be sleeping over this weekend, and making yummy muffins. Speaking of which, I think I ate one muffin too much.
What do you know, it's already time to take my 2nd dose of cough syrup. Brace yourselves people, this may turn ugly.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Super Size Me
I just returned from Cinemagic's documentary night screening. Today it was "Super Size Me". And that much I can tell you: I don't think I'll ever set foot in a McDonald's. Ever.
Not that I do. I actually like to think that my diet is quite healthy. I mean, I honestly can't remember the last time I ate fast food. I am absolutely in love with all kinds of fruits, which is usually where I satisfy most of my sugar cravings (dates are the best!). I eat a bucketful of salad everyday, and absolutely detest fried foods. I feel sick just looking at them.
But of course you're thinking of chocolates, and why shouldn't you when it's all I talk about:) In fact, my actual consumption of chocolates falls shockingly short of the frequency of my odes to them. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE the stuff. I would live off it if I could (aaah. What a life!). But I also wouldn't want to walk around with the waistline of a hippo. Hardly good for my self esteem. And would seriously affect my ability to chase the kids back to class, a skill I cannot afford to lose.
I particularly enjoyed the part where a psychologist was explaining to the guy doing the experiment (he ate nothing but MacDonald's for a month!) that kids get hooked up on McDonald's because they associate it with fun (the playground) and toys (from happy meals) and fun times spent with their families. They are thus conditioned to love it. So the guy decides that once he has his own kids, he's going to punch them each time they pass a fast food restaurant, to ensure a negative association! Brilliantly radical, no?
Of course he might do time for child abuse, but at least he'll rest assured his kids are eating their veggies.
Not that I do. I actually like to think that my diet is quite healthy. I mean, I honestly can't remember the last time I ate fast food. I am absolutely in love with all kinds of fruits, which is usually where I satisfy most of my sugar cravings (dates are the best!). I eat a bucketful of salad everyday, and absolutely detest fried foods. I feel sick just looking at them.
But of course you're thinking of chocolates, and why shouldn't you when it's all I talk about:) In fact, my actual consumption of chocolates falls shockingly short of the frequency of my odes to them. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE the stuff. I would live off it if I could (aaah. What a life!). But I also wouldn't want to walk around with the waistline of a hippo. Hardly good for my self esteem. And would seriously affect my ability to chase the kids back to class, a skill I cannot afford to lose.
I particularly enjoyed the part where a psychologist was explaining to the guy doing the experiment (he ate nothing but MacDonald's for a month!) that kids get hooked up on McDonald's because they associate it with fun (the playground) and toys (from happy meals) and fun times spent with their families. They are thus conditioned to love it. So the guy decides that once he has his own kids, he's going to punch them each time they pass a fast food restaurant, to ensure a negative association! Brilliantly radical, no?
Of course he might do time for child abuse, but at least he'll rest assured his kids are eating their veggies.
A bagful of cuteness
There was a gentle knock, then a tiny face peeked. It was Ahmed's. My favorite favorite Ahmed. He walked in hesitantly, his hands behind his back, I could see part of what seemed like a gift bag he was hiding with his body. He finally made it to my desk and with a smile handed me a bag full of gifts.
The gesture itself swept me off my feet, but when I actually took a look at the contents of the bag, I was near tears. A box of heavenly Guylian chocolates which I absolutely adore, the CUTEST Cuddly lion I've ever seen (check it out bellow), a photo frame and a touching poem about teachers he chose himself and signed a thank you underneath.

Now all throughout the school year I was getting a continuous doses of hugs and kisses from the Grade 4 girls I was teaching reading. As for the boys, they are obviously less affectionate, and although some of them were absolutely huggable and kissable, I thought better than to do that. Plus I had a feeling a hug from the teacher would ensure a wave of teasing from the whole class which would horrify the poor boy. So they only got playful pats and cheek squeezes and half hugs if it was very necessary. I was also worried about school policy.
But I didn't care today. I hugged and kissed him until he resembled a ripe tomato:) I wanted to cry. He absolutely made my day! I make it a point to make a big deal when someone gives me a gift, even if I'm not crazy about it. It has been instilled in us since childhood by mom and dad that "it's the thought that counts". So image what my reaction would be when I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the gift. I mean, CHOCOLATES. And a cuuuuuuute cute stuffed animal.
When I later told his mom, Ms. Darci who's also a teacher, how touched I was. She said that they went out yesterday to pick out gifts for all his teachers. Then he told her "Mom can I please get Ms. Mariam something special? Please?". And when he saw that lion he instantly got it and said "Please mom I want to get this lion for Ms. Mariam I know she'll like it".
Like it? I AM IN LOVE WITH IT. And the fact that it is from one of my students only makes it a million times more special.
His mom then said "I think you must've really touched him this year. He love you".
I mean, to have a 9 year old pick out gifts that are exactly the things I adore, is amazing. I mean, he obviously doesn't read my blog. So he has no way of knowing that the word "chocolate" is probably the most frequently used word in my blog. Nor did he read about my "Happy dozes" collection. Or that I absolutely love poems:) And yet he went and handpicked me a collection of the best gifts I could receive.
So Mr. Leo, welcome to my happy dozes collection. I trust you will find a lot of colorful company:)
*sigh*... Alhamdullilah. I feel so blessed!
امي مسافره وحعمل حفله
It was actually my HOD who reminded me about this song. I am so out of touch with the music/video clip industry. And once you watch it, you'll know why. Pretty, umm, I'm not really sure what the best descriptive word would be. You be the judge!
Mommy, this goes out to you.... :D
Okay actually I don't think you should watch it mom, I don't think you could handle it. And if you do, you'll probably go straight to court and disown me. As a matter of fact, no one should watch it. It's not exactly the classiest type of music around. Hardly so! But hey, I'm alone and bored so don't judge me:P
Mommy, this goes out to you.... :D
Okay actually I don't think you should watch it mom, I don't think you could handle it. And if you do, you'll probably go straight to court and disown me. As a matter of fact, no one should watch it. It's not exactly the classiest type of music around. Hardly so! But hey, I'm alone and bored so don't judge me:P
Monday, June 04, 2007
Home Entertainment
I've braved out the first night, and I must admit I'm pretty proud of myself. There was that momentary panic attack when I heard distinct voices coming from my parents' bedroom. I was frozen in fear for a second. I wasn't hallucinating, there were definitely voices in there. Further investigation revealed the culprit to be my dad's radio. Apparently, it suddenly decided to turn on and announce news in the middle of the night. Never mind the mental well being of a 23-year-old girl.
Come morning, it took me twice as much time to get ready for work. But you wouldn't find it surprising when you consider that I complied with a sudden urge to take a long shower, then open my wardrobe and play dress up. Don't even ask. But I saw no harm in indulging my whims. Plus I managed to get to work on time (the blessing of being an early bird!).
Another urge was to prance around the multitude of empty spaces in the house. What, a girl must keep herself entertained. As I was about to leave the house, I had the luxury of choosing which car to use. After a couple of minutes in contemplation (during which I think I might have dozed off), I settled on the jeep. It was a close call, but the fact that it had a CD player gave it the edge. Oh and I was happy to find out that dad had left it with a full tank. Aren't dads the best?
On a weird note, it seems I've lost a bit of my appetite for the last 17 hours. Which isn't exactly a usual occurrence. Last time I lost my appetite was when I had just finished reading Harry Potter and SHE KILLED DUMBLEDORE (yeah I don't think I'll ever get over that). I remember I also fought with my whole family, as if somehow they were responsible for his sad sad and untimely death. But anyway, back to my diminishing appetite. Not that I'm worried (lets face it, even my mourning for dumbledore's death didn't stop me from devouring Dalia's lunch menu. Boy does this girl know how to cook), but just for fun I was trying to pin point the underlying cause. At the end I figured it must be one of the three:
1. Somewhere in my subconscious I have a serious fear that mom abandoned me and so I am rationing my food supply.
2. I don't feel like dish washing. And eating over the sink is uncomfortable.
3. I have to make weight in time for my next boxing championship.
Of course I don't really box, but I thought it would make a good reason.
As you can see, I have managed so far to keep myself entertained thanks to such spur-of-the-moment crazy whims. This post being one of them. But the inspiration is dwindling. I'll soon run out of self-entertainment measures. Which is when I'll start my mushy-wushy saga:) Give it a day max.
Come morning, it took me twice as much time to get ready for work. But you wouldn't find it surprising when you consider that I complied with a sudden urge to take a long shower, then open my wardrobe and play dress up. Don't even ask. But I saw no harm in indulging my whims. Plus I managed to get to work on time (the blessing of being an early bird!).
Another urge was to prance around the multitude of empty spaces in the house. What, a girl must keep herself entertained. As I was about to leave the house, I had the luxury of choosing which car to use. After a couple of minutes in contemplation (during which I think I might have dozed off), I settled on the jeep. It was a close call, but the fact that it had a CD player gave it the edge. Oh and I was happy to find out that dad had left it with a full tank. Aren't dads the best?
On a weird note, it seems I've lost a bit of my appetite for the last 17 hours. Which isn't exactly a usual occurrence. Last time I lost my appetite was when I had just finished reading Harry Potter and SHE KILLED DUMBLEDORE (yeah I don't think I'll ever get over that). I remember I also fought with my whole family, as if somehow they were responsible for his sad sad and untimely death. But anyway, back to my diminishing appetite. Not that I'm worried (lets face it, even my mourning for dumbledore's death didn't stop me from devouring Dalia's lunch menu. Boy does this girl know how to cook), but just for fun I was trying to pin point the underlying cause. At the end I figured it must be one of the three:
1. Somewhere in my subconscious I have a serious fear that mom abandoned me and so I am rationing my food supply.
2. I don't feel like dish washing. And eating over the sink is uncomfortable.
3. I have to make weight in time for my next boxing championship.
Of course I don't really box, but I thought it would make a good reason.
As you can see, I have managed so far to keep myself entertained thanks to such spur-of-the-moment crazy whims. This post being one of them. But the inspiration is dwindling. I'll soon run out of self-entertainment measures. Which is when I'll start my mushy-wushy saga:) Give it a day max.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
All set to go
Only the luggage at the door is not mine. Boo Hoo. Tonight, mom and dad will be heading to Boston to meet my sister, my brother coming down from Montreal, and later my auntie from Toronto. The reason for this family reunion? My smarty-pants sister's graduation of course!
(more on my delirious happiness in a second)
Right now however, I have some concerns to voice out. Lately I have noticed that the word "family reunion" has been used loosely. A lot of those so-called family reunions have been taking place in continents near and far. Which is a delightful thing really, if it wasn't for a teenie weenie problematic detail. I am NOT included.
Which is the reason I call for the establishment of a guiding set of rules for any future family reunions (yep I'm letting you guys get away with this last one).
Effective June 19th, 2007.
Alhusseini Family Reunion Code of Conduct:
1. It is only a family reunion if at least 3 family members from 3 different cities/countries/continents are present at the same time. Naturally, the more the merrier!
2. "Family" here refers to parents, siblings, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and crazy fat cats.
2. One of these 3 or more people must be me.
Oh what do you know, that's not too complicated now is it?:)
I would go on sulking about being left out, but I honestly can't get myself to. I'm SO excited for my sister! So proud! So happy! I love you sis. You're awesome! This is yet another occasion for me to brag about having a brilliant sister. I'm hoping that with enough sisterly exposure some of the brilliance will rub off on me:)
Dad will be away for two weeks, while mom claims she'll return in 9 days. I use the word "claim" because after taking a look at the sheer amount of food she's left me in the freezer, I am having my doubts. And so would you if your mom left you enough food to last you at least 6 months. That or she'll return in 9 days to find me extremely fat.
In a way, this will be a test drive of my upcoming year away from the parents. I have gotten so used to having them around. It's such a joy, that I will dearly miss. So yeah, expect some serious nostalgic posts during those 9++ days of my mom and dad's absence.
And just in case you're wondering, no of course I'm not scared. I resent what you're insinuating. A scaredy cat? Me? Feh.
I'm telling you I am on top of things. I just wish I had our baseball bat back in Amman handy. No matter, my brother's size 48.5 boots will more than suffice it.
Hey wait a second, why is mom taking winter clothes?? It won't be winter till December. Mom? moooom???
Oh well at least I won't starve to death.
(more on my delirious happiness in a second)
Right now however, I have some concerns to voice out. Lately I have noticed that the word "family reunion" has been used loosely. A lot of those so-called family reunions have been taking place in continents near and far. Which is a delightful thing really, if it wasn't for a teenie weenie problematic detail. I am NOT included.
Which is the reason I call for the establishment of a guiding set of rules for any future family reunions (yep I'm letting you guys get away with this last one).
Effective June 19th, 2007.
Alhusseini Family Reunion Code of Conduct:
1. It is only a family reunion if at least 3 family members from 3 different cities/countries/continents are present at the same time. Naturally, the more the merrier!
2. "Family" here refers to parents, siblings, grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and crazy fat cats.
2. One of these 3 or more people must be me.
Oh what do you know, that's not too complicated now is it?:)
I would go on sulking about being left out, but I honestly can't get myself to. I'm SO excited for my sister! So proud! So happy! I love you sis. You're awesome! This is yet another occasion for me to brag about having a brilliant sister. I'm hoping that with enough sisterly exposure some of the brilliance will rub off on me:)
Dad will be away for two weeks, while mom claims she'll return in 9 days. I use the word "claim" because after taking a look at the sheer amount of food she's left me in the freezer, I am having my doubts. And so would you if your mom left you enough food to last you at least 6 months. That or she'll return in 9 days to find me extremely fat.
In a way, this will be a test drive of my upcoming year away from the parents. I have gotten so used to having them around. It's such a joy, that I will dearly miss. So yeah, expect some serious nostalgic posts during those 9++ days of my mom and dad's absence.
And just in case you're wondering, no of course I'm not scared. I resent what you're insinuating. A scaredy cat? Me? Feh.
I'm telling you I am on top of things. I just wish I had our baseball bat back in Amman handy. No matter, my brother's size 48.5 boots will more than suffice it.
Hey wait a second, why is mom taking winter clothes?? It won't be winter till December. Mom? moooom???
Oh well at least I won't starve to death.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Just Because
1. I love Meg Ryan.
2. I love buying adorably tiny baby clothes.
3. I love drinking milk with pizza.
4. I love to jump into my colorful pyjamas.
5. I love it when it's a full moon. Last night it was.
2. I love buying adorably tiny baby clothes.
3. I love drinking milk with pizza.
4. I love to jump into my colorful pyjamas.
5. I love it when it's a full moon. Last night it was.
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