For almost a year and a half now, my room has been this place for me. (Back in Jordan, it was the breathtaking running track between the trees in the Sports City next to my home- no question about that).
Since day one here, I knew my room would be serving this purpose. I was having a hard time adjusting to my move back here, and my need for a "happy place" was as desperate as ever.
I filled the walls and cupboards with pictures of me back in college days with my best friends, of sisterly hikes and adventures, of my Fat Cat Peanut- basically pictures of the best days of my life, yet.
The walls were also filled with my selection of quotes; the funny, inspirational, philosophical or just plain silly.
Here's a few of my favorites...
"Luck never gives, it only lends"
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say"
"Nothing is too wonderful to be true"
"sometimes you're the windshield; sometimes you're the bug!"
"If only the finest birds in the forest dared sing, how quiet the forest would be"
And taken from one of the stories we read to the girls in Grade 1:
"I like who I am, I like what I do":)
No matter how I felt as I entered my room all through last year, one of the many quotes posted would surly relate in one way or another, and that made a difference to me.
Unfortunately, over the summer my parents had the rooms repainted, which meant all my things had to be removed and posting them again deemed a big no-no! (Especially that the "Magistick" thingie I used to stick them with, wouldn't budge when my mom tried to remove it and totally ruined the look of the walls and cupboards- Yikes!)
So I don't even have pictures of the walls back then to share.
However, over the course of last year, other little reminders were being added to my collection. As the photo above shows, these are drawings that my Grade One girls from last year gave me during the last week of school. They were the most adorable things, and each time I look at them I just unconsciously find myself smiling... little girls tend to have this effect on you!:)
Then there's my collection of tiny stuffed animals- that I proudly admit I will never outgrow!
The star of my collection has to be my tiny rag doll that I named: ZiZi. We have been through a lot together (yeah yeah go ahead make fun of me, see if I care:P)
Some of them I bought, some are from my friends, they are my colorful collection of happiness dozes! :)
The "Three reasons for teaching" is from my sis, you have NO idea how much this helped me through. Cuz no matter how bad I had it that day, it was refreshing to know I had all of June, July and August to look forward to! (I know life is unfair for you the "UNteaching class"- I never pretended it was:P)
I am a Harry Potter geek- and a proud one at that. You can see my prized collection, the first six books (waiting for the seventh! Come On Rowling!) on my desk. I have read these books, and reread them. I'm telling ya, this woman is a genius. Although, I am still suffering from emotional damage after reading her sixth book, she killed off SO many of my favorite characters- the heartless git.
Reading Harry Potter completely betwiches my senses, so that I am no longer aware of anything happening around me. All else is swiftly shed, as I turn the pages of the books. Suddenly my biggest worry becomes whether Griffyndor would win the House Cup this year or not! Or the score of the next Quidditch match.
Sooner or later though, I am forced to return to the "real world", where (sadly) there is no Dumbledore, food doesn't miraculously appear on the table, and well, I can't jinx the kids in my classroom with a "Shut-up curse" for at least a day!
Oh, well. Aren't they cute?;)
Dearest sis...
Do you want to know where my happy place is? It's mental. It's you and me making yummies in a snowstorm, "toasting" brand new kitchen towels, struggling to get the cat to just sit still in our lap, or hiking into the horizon.. the list goes on.
Glad to see Zizi is alive and well after her staged hanging. You'd have thought that would've killed her, but no. :)
Here's to making a brand new New England happy place for us very soon.
man, I almost forgot about that!!
Mind you, it was a staged suicide, not hanging. There was an actual suicide note left behind (you gotta give da crazy bro some credit- he didn't leave out any details!!:P)
I just love being part of this family, it's hard to decide who's more loco;)
You know what I miss terribly? Us shopping together in Abella:) Oh and you getting hit on by the cheese guy:P (keeps me laughing till this day!)
Hot pizza in the car, waking up in UNearthly hours for a hike, having KitKat Chunky for lunch (and wondering why we don't feel full:P), long-distance scrabble games (with me scoring 8 and you scoring 88, darn!), and having conversations made up entirely of Orbit's commercials!! (talk about sad;)
Ahh, Nostalgia..:)
What cheese guy? I don't remember any cheese guys. Mr. Fish buy was my not so secret admirer, Fish. Not Cheese. Unless there's something I missed? :P
Wow... I think you describe it perfectly. Although I would argue you get the loco prize, HANDS DOWN. Why do you think we love you so much?
Yella come. IFFFFFFT. Bring Zizi if you absolutely have to. Although I always thought she was ugly and somehow strangely related to bees. What the...???
Ma 3alaina. Should go socialize with the rest of the loco family here. Did I mention loco bro made it? Yep. He did. Yep. He crazy.
Much love!
Am I the only one here who finds it incredibly hilarious that you are agruing that you had a "Fish guy" for an admirer and not a "cheese guy"!
loco I tell ya;)
Ugly? strangly related to bees? The NERVE of you insulting my ZiZi! and you bet all the chocolates I ate in my life that I'll be bringing her along;P The girl must see the world!
So it's a whole family reunion and poor me is left out *sniff sniff*
Tell the ZiZi-killer bro that I expect him to make it to Boston as well, or I'll cut him out of my will:P (which means he won't get any of my stuffed animals- hmm, I have a sinking feeling this is more like an incentive for him not to make it!!!:P)
Anyway, you get the point. make him come:D Tell him i'll even bake him chocolate chip cookies!
Aawwwwwww =) you two are so cute having this sisterly talk over Blogger comments ;) I have four sisters myself, and the memories of our crazy games and adventures and invented worlds are the best thing ever.
And Mariam, I would sure give anything for that June, July, August vacation! Aaaaahhhhh!!
I've an endless list of crazy memories and I only have one sis, I can only imagine what your list looks like with four sisters!;)
Priceless I'm sure!
here's to how great sisters are! :) (alright alright, and brothers too! Although, come to think of it, my bro doesn't bother to read my blog- no need to worry about him taking offense:P)
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