There was a gentle knock, then a tiny face peeked. It was Ahmed's. My favorite favorite Ahmed. He walked in hesitantly, his hands behind his back, I could see part of what seemed like a gift bag he was hiding with his body. He finally made it to my desk and with a smile handed me a bag full of gifts.
The gesture itself swept me off my feet, but when I actually took a look at the contents of the bag, I was near tears. A box of heavenly Guylian chocolates which I absolutely adore, the CUTEST Cuddly lion I've ever seen (check it out bellow), a photo frame and a touching poem about teachers he chose himself and signed a thank you underneath.

Now all throughout the school year I was getting a continuous doses of hugs and kisses from the Grade 4 girls I was teaching reading. As for the boys, they are obviously less affectionate, and although some of them were absolutely huggable and kissable, I thought better than to do that. Plus I had a feeling a hug from the teacher would ensure a wave of teasing from the whole class which would horrify the poor boy. So they only got playful pats and cheek squeezes and half hugs if it was very necessary. I was also worried about school policy.
But I didn't care today. I hugged and kissed him until he resembled a ripe tomato:) I wanted to cry. He absolutely made my day! I make it a point to make a big deal when someone gives me a gift, even if I'm not crazy about it. It has been instilled in us since childhood by mom and dad that "it's the thought that counts". So image what my reaction would be when I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the gift. I mean, CHOCOLATES. And a cuuuuuuute cute stuffed animal.
When I later told his mom, Ms. Darci who's also a teacher, how touched I was. She said that they went out yesterday to pick out gifts for all his teachers. Then he told her "Mom can I please get Ms. Mariam something special? Please?". And when he saw that lion he instantly got it and said "Please mom I want to get this lion for Ms. Mariam I know she'll like it".
Like it? I AM IN LOVE WITH IT. And the fact that it is from one of my students only makes it a million times more special.
His mom then said "I think you must've really touched him this year. He love you".
I mean, to have a 9 year old pick out gifts that are exactly the things I adore, is amazing. I mean, he obviously doesn't read my blog. So he has no way of knowing that the word "chocolate" is probably the most frequently used word in my blog. Nor did he read about my "Happy dozes" collection. Or that I absolutely love poems:) And yet he went and handpicked me a collection of the best gifts I could receive.
So Mr. Leo, welcome to my happy dozes collection. I trust you will find a lot of colorful company:)
*sigh*... Alhamdullilah. I feel so blessed!
You are a very special Teacher, it is normal for you to touch the souls of your students, so be prepared, you will get endless reactions from the souls you touched.
I love you tons! Thank you so much for your words, they mean the world to me:)
Besides, any traces of awesomeness in me are a natural result of having absolutely awesome parents:)
So really.. I should share my gifts with you! would you like some of the chocolates or to borrow my stuffed lion?;P
I would go for real thing
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