Friday, February 23, 2007

Visual DNA- apparently I've got one!

Okay so this is really cool (thanks for sharing the link sis). A personality test depending on my choice of photos! And I must say, I'm very impressed with the results. Those who know me, you be the judge of that.
(To take the test yourself, click here. Oh and do share your results with me!)

So Apparently, this is who I am:

Moods: Easy Rider
You can be both calm and peaceful (okay ignore this part:P), and you like to feel free to explore your environment. You can be a little nostalgic (true!) and you love revisiting familiar places and memories (Aah, yes). When it comes to art, you're creative yourself (hmm... not sure about that), and you believe in self-expression (I do?). You can see the little masterpieces in everyday life (I can?:P)- you can be a touch sentimental (okay I'll give you that;). As for music, it's the soundtrack to your world. An open road, your favorite tracks- cliches are there to be enjoyed! Your choice of treat reveals someone energetic, who cares about their health. You like to feel you are making all the right choices. You are focussed and driven (yay! :D)

Fun: Conqueror
You love physical activity (Darn right!)- you've got a real spirit of adventure. Keeping a clear head and healthy body makes you ready for whatever life throws at you (only if it's bars of chocolates!). For kicks nothing beats an adrenaline rush (absolutely NOTHING). You like to take risks and push limits (hmmm.. not really). You're confident and brave (I AM? awww, thank you!). When it comes to holidays, you'll take experience over comfort every time, whether under canvas or under the stars (sounds like my cuppa tea!) You love the chance to be in the wilderness and the freedom of being in charge of where you're heading. What grosses you out? You favour the natural look and can't stand a pumped and plumped, plastic appearance. (Right there. THIS is me in a nutshell :D)

Habits: New Wave Puritan
Even if you have a healthy approach to life, you still have your little vices that keep you going (oh so they heard about my Godiva :P). It is all part of the routine, you're a creature of habit (guilty as charged). Your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you're putting the right stuff in. As for the home, your bold personality (bold? seriously people?) is reflected in your style. You like to be in surroundings that lift your mood.

Love: Love Bug
You're a real romantic and a bit of a dreamer. For you love is about devotion and tenderness (isn't it?). You try to show your feelings in simple ways every day. Your heart is right there on your sleeve. When you think of freedom- nature takes over. Getting back, out in the wilderness is a big draw.

The End.

They may not realise this, but they have just done me a huge favor. No more soul searching for the next 5 years at least. That'll do for now, I know enough:P

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