Sunday, February 18, 2007

An Ode to my bro

Why do I love him that much? I often ask myself the same question...

Let's just say, this has a LOT to do with it:

A box of pure happiness if there ever was one. Aaaaah, Godiva Godiva how do I love thee? let me count the ways.... That's the first thing he gave me upon his arrival. Now if HE isn't an awesome bro, then no one is!

It's been an absolute joy having him back home. The whole atmosphere has changed! Everyone's extra bubbly and the tiniest things seem to send us into fits of laughter. Now this may sound weird but my laugh has changed as well. I've noticed that ever since he got home, my laugh is starting to sound a little perky and hysterical. Think Phoebe meets Cruella Devil. I'm telling you, it's pretty scary. But I guess all the excitement contained inside me has to find an outlet, even if in a worryingly weird laugh! :D

So... For you my one and only awesome bro I present 30 reasons I love you; one for each drop of bliss found inside my Godiva box: ;)

  1. I love that you're my "little brother" (technically at least:P).
  2. I love that I actually need to stand up on a chair to reach your height.
  3. I love how you insist I order a huge portion in Häagen-Dazs knowing that I won't be able to finish it, so you'll take over:)

  4. I love that you never give up on me and still animatedly explain to me about cars.

  5. I love how I can count on you to explain and fix whatever trouble I'm having with the PC.

  6. I love it when we brush our teeth simultaneously and act silly.

  7. I love that you assure me I'm your "favorite sis", when I know for a fact you tell Dalia the same thing you git:P

  8. I love how generous you are with the ones you love.

  9. I love that I'm one of those lucky ones (I am right? right????:P)

  10. I love that you taught me that weird "koray kara minna day" mumbo-jumbo of a curse that I always use to freak out people (man, the reactions I get- priceless!)

  11. I love that you actually agree to watch a chick flick with me once every 10 years!

  12. I love that you're the reason the whole family ends up in the living room watching a CHINESE movie (as in real Chinese people talking Chinese without any subtitles!)
  13. And get offended when we don't seem to be enjoying the "plot":P

  14. I love that although you've prolly eaten cookies that are 10 times better that mine, yet you always tell me you love mine the best:)

  15. I love that I once caught you red-handed carrying a tray that contained: cookies, chocolate cake, Kitkat chunky, and a Nutella jar with a spoon.

  16. I love that you're still alive after that incident:P

  17. I love that you still watch Dexter's Laboratory, and insist I'm just like his annoying sister DiDi :P

  18. I love that when we go jogging together, it's really just me jogging while you simply take extra big strides!

  19. I love that you're always up for a laugh.

  20. I love how we have an unspoken understanding, where we laugh at each other's lamest jokes and "dabshat", when no one else would (do you blame them really?).

  21. I love that you come to me for advice sometimes. And tell me that I'm a useful sis :D yay!

  22. I love how you somehow turn me into a diehard fan for your favorite soccer team (going into actual arguments with people!) when in reality I can't tell the difference between a foul and an offside to save my life.

  23. I love that you've already explained what an offside is to me like 30 times and I still don't get it.

  24. I love that during the next game, you'll prolly try to explain it to me yet again.

  25. I love that you know me so darn well, it makes my life so easy!

  26. I love that you can eat the very same cereal every morning for 5 continuous years and not get sick of it. Seriously, how do you do that?

  27. I love getting your emails.

  28. I love that they always carry great news that draw a huge grin on my face ----> :D

  29. I love that you continuously make me SO DARN PROUD.

  30. I love you a million trillion multicolored m&ms!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have another "30-related" endeavour to attend to.

MMMMmmmmm. That's more like it!


Anonymous said...

OMGGGGGGGGGG Abboud keber o sar rejjaaaal! Saar zalameh!
I have not seen him since the late 80s! LOOOL

Mariomi U are not alone my dear! I can never understand any rule of sports, specially tennis. But one thing I know: In tennis U make no goals, U make points ;)

Great post of a great sister!

Mar Yoom said...

the late 80s? woman, your image of him is SOOooo outdated:P

Hold on a sec, did you just call me by my real name? shocking:P