Saturday, February 10, 2007

It Had To End

How is it fair that a 15 minute visit to the dentist seems to stretch on for ever and ever while a two-week holiday is over before I can say "yay"?

Yep, I'm back. Back from Amman, and there you go I'm gonna say it now: YAY!
I'm trying hard not to succumb to the greediness of the human nature, which means you'll be spared any grumpiness as I go on about wishing it was longer and whining about it being over. Instead kindly sit back and allow me to relive those 14 amazing days back home...... the highlights of which were:

1. Getting my first taste of Amman the second my plane landed, from the Bluefig stand that I've grown to adore. It just isn't the same if I don't start my Ammani experience greeted by their cookies and latte. It isn't the best latte I've tasted, nor the chewiest cookie, but that's not the point at all. It's way beyond that. It's the taste of home... Try to beat that:)

2. Stepping in our house, our dear dear old house. By all standards, the house was FREEZING (it's been locked with no heating since the beginning of winter). Normally, I would've curled up in a corner, turned blue and shivered like a leaf, until someone felt sorry for me and threw me a blanket. Instead, my cheeks were red and flushed, my hands warmer than they've ever been, and my jacket and cardigan carelessly thrown on my bed. The excitement of being home had me all warm and fuzzy, it could've been -30 and I wouldn't have cared. It wasn't until hours later that I started to feel the cold (but once I did, MAN WAS IT COLD).

3. Finding a mountain of gifts from Dalia awaiting me on my bed. My instinct was to instantaneously and savagely unwrap them, that by the time it occurred to me to photograph the cute arrangement, they were all but unwrapped. Isn't getting gifts the best thing ever? I love you sis!

4. Breaking our previous Jenga record, without even knocking it down!! It stood like that all night- that's something.

5. A Chewy Gooey Evening of Chocolate Chip cookies with milk shared by my fellow chocoholics (sorryyyy sis, I swear I'll make it up to you! :D). Aah, Life Is Good.

6. Being one of the "Three crazy individuals mad enough to camp at Rum not only in February but specifically on the night with a horrible forecast". It was wet, it was muddy, it was positively freezing, but it was also RUM, which by default makes it mesmerizing.... At night, the clouds selfishly blocked the million stars I was so looking forward to seeing, but it was a full moon that night. It more than made up for it.

7. Consuming a bucket full of the best cinnamon flavored tea on the whole planet in Beit Ali camp in Rum. It was sweet and hot. The perfect companion during a freezing night in the desert and my solace as I lost terribly in Scrabble to Dalia. Jeez woman, can't you let me win every now and then?:P

8. Learning how to use chopsticks!! Finally!! I had all by lost hope in myself. Mind you, it's not that I didn't think chopsticks were useful (try poking people, or engaging in a mock sword fight- they are priceless!) but seriously, actually expecting me to pick up food with them wasn't exactly gonna happen. And yet it did! And I have my dear cousin Nasser to thank for that. A crash course during our dinner in Wox put me on the right track, followed by a Sushi dinner to make sure I got the hang of it. I feel so proud!

9. Eating a "Ferrero Rocher" flavored ice-cream at Gerard's. If happiness came in a cone people, it would be sold there. No question about that.

10. Morning run in Madina with Lina (no trace of Nasser) followed by homemade pancakes for breakfast (at which point Nasser miraculously and conveniently appeared:P)

11. Riding in Amman's multitude of Taxis. It isn't necessarily pleasant, but always interesting.
Seeing that I spent my four years of college in and out of taxis, you can understand why I'd be nostalgic. This visit, I road with the sweetest Taxi driver on the planet. The whole ride he was sharing with me his views on life and giving me advice that I think would come in handy at some point.

11. Overdosing on chocolate. I guess when you put three die hard chocolate lovers under the same roof, you're really asking for this:

(seen in different locations throughout the house)

If only if only chocolate was a vegetable, I'd be one heck of a devoted vegan.

So basically it was two weeks loaded with fun, laughs, good food and lots of kicking back.... which is just what I needed after months of chasing kids in hallways and playgrounds!

Riding on the bus on my way to the airport, I gazed out the window and thought: Damn, that's one dirty window!!!:P
hehehe not really (it is though, isn't it?).
I sat there and made a little prayer. I prayed to be back. Soon.


Unknown said...

Oh man... I feel nostalgic and teary-eyed already even though I didn't leave yet. 13 hours to go. I really don't want to be reunited with the giant freezer that is Canada in February.

Who cares. Those were some really good times we had in Jordan. Definitely to be repeated sometime soon.

Seriously though, that was some damn good tea at rum.

Mar Yoom said...

Best tea EVER. I have been raving about it to mom ever since I got back, and this afternoon I tried to make one myself. It was pretty good, but I guess it's the full package of red sand, hygienically- questionable-worryingly-brown blankets, a smelly and wet cute dog named Poochy, great company, and a game of speed scrabble that gives it that little somethin special!:)

Man that was an awesome holiday:D
I would totally advice you to discard of your ticket and stay In Amman, but, umm, I'm not sure that would be the smartest thing to do (from both my part and yours) knowing how much auntie is looking forward to your return. Better not upset mommies- a little something I've learnt from life:P

As you said, must be repeated.

How does next weekend sound?:P

Unknown said...

My dear sister, I envy you..
Wish I could have such a connection to somewhere. I can't honestly say I feel this way towrads Jordan, Kuwait or any other country for that matter. To me home is where the largest number of family members are, and that is naturally variant.

On the upside, I'm glad to know you had so much fun!! God knows you deserve it. So, please refrain from sinking into emotional oblivion in Kuwait, for your brother is coming to the rescue in under a week, to elevate you to new levels of the good old "high life" ;)

I love you sis, and looking to my own miniature family reunion!

Mar Yoom said...

You have NO IDEA how much I'm looking forward to you coming!!
It's all I've been thinking about ever since I got bacK:D
I've got a whole list of must-dos:P
Love you tons!
Can't believe I'll see you in a week!
come quick:D

Lina said...

You have NO IDEA how much I loved that morning run and pancakes :) I wish you're here so we can do it together regularly!

I'm so sorry I disappeared for the rest of the week and we didn't get to go downtown... but here's another reason for you to come back soon (not that you need a reason bs m3lesh =P )

And I'm sorry I missed the chance to meet Dalia - speaking of whom; where is she? hehe (no pressure to comment Dalia =P )

Mar Yoom said...

Dalia is NY for the weekend, which explains her absence;) Feels weird without her, doesn't it?:P

Yep, nothing beats starting your morning with a run and pancakes! Finally found someone to enjoy it with me!:D yay!

Anonymous said...

And did I mention how the cookies picture gives me heartache?
My love for you would increase exponentially if you ever decide to make several batches of cookies for me! *hint hint* :P

Mar Yoom said...

Exponentially you say? You ARE a chocoholic geek if there ever was one:P

What kind of sister would I be If I didn't make sure my own brother ODed on my cookies;)

Problem is our oven here is kind of a "cookie killer"! So sadly the outcome leaves much to be desired *sniff sniff*
But that never stood in the way of true love! (for cookies:P)
Hot Fresh batches are awaiting you;) JUST COME:D
Man I'm hopping from excitment! Me loves you bro!

Anonymous said...

Someone promiced to make me those Chocolate Chip cookies about two years ago! Maa shofna shi! I'm still waiting!

Imagine yaa Zahra... el zalameh maaaaaaaaat ;(

Great blog dear sister-of-my-dear-friend!

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

to protest hollow promises of cookie making. We the poor hoards of hungry and humble souls, denied the chunky chewy goodness that is your cookie baking. For shame.

I miss you crazy sis. Yakhti shu hal shaghleh? (LOL. you really are Yakhi!). Yakhti ya Mariam... LOL. I love it. Will be using this often yakhti. LOL. I crack myself up.

Yes, sleep deprivation. What else yakhti?

Yakhti 3alaiki.

Mar Yoom said...

zaratna il barakeh! :D

My God you are hilarious, you have no idea how funny I find it that you are totally convinced that my name is Zahra!! And actually frown in confusion when I am called by "mariam" and answer:P

I kinda feel like a "Zahra" already- talk about identity crisis:P

As for you Yakhti, I can only tell you one thing: I have read in an article that studies have yet to show the side effects of chronic sleep deprivation.

They may not know yet, but I DO:p

The result: you get a.. DALIA
go sleep woman:P

Love you both tons!

Man, why isn't anyone I know (myself included) sane?:P

Anonymous said...

"Yakhti Zahra".. Sounds good to me!

Zahra... U are totally Anne Hathaway in Devil Wears Prada! :))
Lessa maa shofet el filim, bas khalas.. she is so U!


Mar Yoom said...

"Yakhti zahra"???
you two are totally nuts:P
Bs la shoo il 7aki, you keep my life interesting;)

Devil Wears Prada? I've seen it on the plane!
Why am I her yakhti?? is it cuz I'm fashion-challenged?:P