Thursday, February 22, 2007

Running through sprinklers

At last.

I buckled the shoelaces of my bright blue runners and dashed off for a long-overdue and much needed run.
Much to my delight, the sprinklers were on! Not missing a beat, I was instantly prancing my way through the sprinklers. Aah, the excitement of having a million little droplets of water land on you all of a sudden! Naturally, I was soon drenched. But was hurriedly wrapped around by the warm and soothing morning sun rays. The little droplets that a moment ago had made themselves comfortably at home on my clothes, seemed to get the hint and slowly but steadily vanished. Left was just me, with a big silly grin and my overly excited skipping heart!

How often do we experience something similar? If you reflect back for a second, you would find that our days are filled with a multitude of such tiny pleasures that have no tangible consequence except to add a smile to your countenance or a sigh of content to your heart.
The sad truth is, those poor occurrences receive little if any attention! They are completely overshadowed by the more obvious blessings that we deem- as a result of a misguided notion- more worthy of our attention and thankfulness.

Today I highlight my own tiny little blessings, vowing to be consciously more mindful and appreciative from now on. Must not take anything for granted. I mention just a few, which have recently taken place. There are dozens more that escape my mind at the moment, and I trust there will be many new ones to come.... I'll just have to keep my eyes open;)

I have smiled recently when I:
  • Turned the radio on to find my favorite song playing.
  • Inhaled a long deep whiff of Arabian Jasmine at my grandma's on Thursdays, picked from her own garden.
  • Walked under the huge tree in our complex and listened to what sounded like a million birds chirping... (Bonus feature: I shut my eyes and for a while it really felt like I was in some exotic rain forest far far away- then I tripped over:P)
  • Got a hug from my favorite 1st Grader, Dalal. She's the perfect kid. Mashallah.
  • Got a hug from my mum.
  • Got a hug. Period.
  • Received a surprise phone call from my best friend Donia in Egypt. She makes me laugh like no one else does!
  • Devoured my Godiva Box.
  • Looked at old photo albums with my brother. Geez, were we really ever that tiny?
  • Heard a good joke and giggled for 5 minutes afterwards.
  • Tucked myself in bed and hugged my soft pillow after a long exhausting day.
  • Ran through the sprinklers. That's gotta be the highlight!

So, what has made YOU smile recently?:)

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