Monday, February 26, 2007
Kuwait's Brand New Gadget
Compact, affordable, comes with very simple instructions, and suitable for kids as young as 2 or your 99-year-old grandpa.
You know what I'm talking about......
Yep, the 25th and 26th of February can only mean one thing in Kuwait. Each and every citizen gets his or her very own foam spray and hits the roads foaming the time away!
Nothing and no one is spared the delight of being sprayed all over. And What a delight it is.
I have been lucky enough to survive this long weekend un-foamed myself, mostly by leaving home as little as possible (a wise decision indeed). However, I have witnessed a girl get sprayed from head to toe just as she was about to get in her car. She stood there in shock, but did nothing. But really, what could she have done? Chase the teenage-filled car while cursing? Hardly a feasible option.
I have also heard stories of people almost getting into accidents because of obstructed vision due to their windshields being completely covered in foam. Delightful, no?
So you can understand my panic when I reached the seaside for my run, just to find the celebrations no where near done. I was horrified to notice that each and every individual carried a spray in their hands- literally- which automatically marked them as a potential threat.
Anyone and anything seemed to be getting sprayed and I was about to resign to my fate. I cringed each time I passed by a group of teenagers and maneuvered away as best I can. What worked for me was the fact that I was running. While these kids are a lot of things, fit is not one of them. Which suited me to perfection.
I was thus motivated to run faster than ever, zigzagging my way to make me an even harder target. I almost tripped a few times from the empty spray cans tossed on the floor.
The good news is, just as suddenly as it has appeared, it will soon vanish and be forgotten.
Until next year anyway.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
*sniff sniff*
I want him back.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Shopping with boys
My life for the last year and a half has been grocery-shopping-free, as I found myself no longer responsible for stocking up the fridge with food and announcing the death of some of its occupants (or in equally traumatic instances reporting them as alarmingly "alive" and proliferating!!).
Two recent trips to the grocery store, however, have proved very amusing to me. One was done in Amman with Nasser and the other took place this morning with my brother. Here's a little background information on both to put things in context. Up until his recent visit, Nasser hadn't visited the middle east for the last 10 years. And this is Abood's third year in Canada, as a college student who's cooking abilities do not exceed microwaved popcorn (sometimes, he even burns that:P).
Although the two events took place seperately, I have found them to be interestingly similar. I have observed some common attributes in both, which I'm about to share. With minor differences, both trips involved the following:
1. Constant Route Maneuvering: For some reason they were both inclined to constantly go off course and make sharp turns right and left (sometimes for a legitimate reason, but usually just for the heck of it), while I struggled to keep up, and got understandably disoriented in the process!
2. The Zoning-In Effect: That one is pretty impressive. With Nasser, no matter what was the item we were searching for (eggs, bananas, or even toothpaste) time and time again we would somehow end up right in front of the Ferrero Rocher stand. He insisted it was a sign, and I was quick to agree (hey you do not brush off signs, especially when they arrive in the shape of seriously good chocolate). As for Abood, I noticed him suddenly being drawn in one direction and was picking up speed as he moved on determinedly. He eventually zoned in on a Zalatimo Sweets box! Who knew they even had that here in Kuwait? I call that the sugar-junkie masculine intuition! Impressive.
3. Sudden irreversible Attachment to random Objects: Nasser did a double take then excitedly (and I mean EXCITEDLY) exclaimed "Oh my God!!! This is the exact same milk carton we used to drink as kids in our summers here. It hasn't changed one bit!!". He wouldn't budge until it was added to our shopping basket. In Abood's case, the lucky recipient of his emotional devotion was a box of Turkish Labaneh called Pinar (It's very tasty and extremely fatty) that we used to eat as kids. Again, I had no choice but to add it to our basket or I am sincerely convinced we would still be standing there.
4. Woman-where-is-the-fat mean looks: For some reason they booth took it personally when I added to the basket something that read "low fat". The condescending looks on their faces did not vanish until they were provided with enough chocolates to distract them!
5. A weight off my shoulders- literally!: Both times, we had a shopping basket and not a cart since we weren't planning on getting a lot of things. But apparently, things add up and with Nasser's childhood milk cartons and Abood's Zalatimo boxes, the baskets grew substantially heavy. The silver lining: they insisted on carrying the basket themselves, which made my life so much easier;) A luxury I never had while shopping alone in Amman.
Isn't grocery shopping so much fun?:)
Today is Abood's last night here. I can hear Mama giving him instructions on how to handle and store all the goodies she's made for him to take back home. It seems only yesterday when I was happily packing my own goodie-filled tupperwares. My mom hoped they would keep us nourished for a while, at least a couple of weeks. I remember how we would literally live off them (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks), that no more than 3 days after our arrival, left would only be empty tupperwares that require dishwashing!
I can't believe the week is over. It was so good having him here. I'm so used to him being around now, I really will be missing him tons. I almost forgot about his gift of teasing and tormenting me so persistently and creatively that I am left with no choice but to burst out yelling and chase him with a flip flop (no of course I don't do that, why would you think that?:P). Good times good times :D
Gosh, I'm so gonna miss you crazy bro! Me loves you lots. lots and lots!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Visual DNA- apparently I've got one!
(To take the test yourself, click here. Oh and do share your results with me!)
So Apparently, this is who I am:
Moods: Easy Rider
You can be both calm and peaceful (okay ignore this part:P), and you like to feel free to explore your environment. You can be a little nostalgic (true!) and you love revisiting familiar places and memories (Aah, yes). When it comes to art, you're creative yourself (hmm... not sure about that), and you believe in self-expression (I do?). You can see the little masterpieces in everyday life (I can?:P)- you can be a touch sentimental (okay I'll give you that;). As for music, it's the soundtrack to your world. An open road, your favorite tracks- cliches are there to be enjoyed! Your choice of treat reveals someone energetic, who cares about their health. You like to feel you are making all the right choices. You are focussed and driven (yay! :D)
Fun: Conqueror
You love physical activity (Darn right!)- you've got a real spirit of adventure. Keeping a clear head and healthy body makes you ready for whatever life throws at you (only if it's bars of chocolates!). For kicks nothing beats an adrenaline rush (absolutely NOTHING). You like to take risks and push limits (hmmm.. not really). You're confident and brave (I AM? awww, thank you!). When it comes to holidays, you'll take experience over comfort every time, whether under canvas or under the stars (sounds like my cuppa tea!) You love the chance to be in the wilderness and the freedom of being in charge of where you're heading. What grosses you out? You favour the natural look and can't stand a pumped and plumped, plastic appearance. (Right there. THIS is me in a nutshell :D)
Habits: New Wave Puritan
Even if you have a healthy approach to life, you still have your little vices that keep you going (oh so they heard about my Godiva :P). It is all part of the routine, you're a creature of habit (guilty as charged). Your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you're putting the right stuff in. As for the home, your bold personality (bold? seriously people?) is reflected in your style. You like to be in surroundings that lift your mood.
Love: Love Bug
You're a real romantic and a bit of a dreamer. For you love is about devotion and tenderness (isn't it?). You try to show your feelings in simple ways every day. Your heart is right there on your sleeve. When you think of freedom- nature takes over. Getting back, out in the wilderness is a big draw.
The End.
They may not realise this, but they have just done me a huge favor. No more soul searching for the next 5 years at least. That'll do for now, I know enough:P
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Running through sprinklers
I buckled the shoelaces of my bright blue runners and dashed off for a long-overdue and much needed run.
Much to my delight, the sprinklers were on! Not missing a beat, I was instantly prancing my way through the sprinklers. Aah, the excitement of having a million little droplets of water land on you all of a sudden! Naturally, I was soon drenched. But was hurriedly wrapped around by the warm and soothing morning sun rays. The little droplets that a moment ago had made themselves comfortably at home on my clothes, seemed to get the hint and slowly but steadily vanished. Left was just me, with a big silly grin and my overly excited skipping heart!
How often do we experience something similar? If you reflect back for a second, you would find that our days are filled with a multitude of such tiny pleasures that have no tangible consequence except to add a smile to your countenance or a sigh of content to your heart.
The sad truth is, those poor occurrences receive little if any attention! They are completely overshadowed by the more obvious blessings that we deem- as a result of a misguided notion- more worthy of our attention and thankfulness.
Today I highlight my own tiny little blessings, vowing to be consciously more mindful and appreciative from now on. Must not take anything for granted. I mention just a few, which have recently taken place. There are dozens more that escape my mind at the moment, and I trust there will be many new ones to come.... I'll just have to keep my eyes open;)
I have smiled recently when I:
- Turned the radio on to find my favorite song playing.
- Inhaled a long deep whiff of Arabian Jasmine at my grandma's on Thursdays, picked from her own garden.
- Walked under the huge tree in our complex and listened to what sounded like a million birds chirping... (Bonus feature: I shut my eyes and for a while it really felt like I was in some exotic rain forest far far away- then I tripped over:P)
- Got a hug from my favorite 1st Grader, Dalal. She's the perfect kid. Mashallah.
- Got a hug from my mum.
- Got a hug. Period.
- Received a surprise phone call from my best friend Donia in Egypt. She makes me laugh like no one else does!
- Devoured my Godiva Box.
- Looked at old photo albums with my brother. Geez, were we really ever that tiny?
- Heard a good joke and giggled for 5 minutes afterwards.
- Tucked myself in bed and hugged my soft pillow after a long exhausting day.
- Ran through the sprinklers. That's gotta be the highlight!
So, what has made YOU smile recently?:)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My Animal Planet
This is what you get when you couple a night of little sleep with wild kids in the background!
What little (and I mean so very little) sanity, self-discipline, and motivation those kids had, have completely and utterly vanished just as soon as the Awarding Ceremony was over. I now have my own version of the TV show "Wild Africa"; bizarre, beyond control and hopelessly untamed.
I've been told it's quite normal. Now that they've gotten their awards, made their parents happy, the kids believe the school year to be almost done and there's nothing more for them to do. Only problem is, it's nothing close to. Three more months to go, and still loads of curricullum to cover!
One thing's for certain, it's not lookin good. Not looking good at all. These will be 3 so VERY long months.
I'm telling you, captivity isn't working. I say, release those kids into the wild!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
When No One Dines At Home
My initial reaction was one of joy. Oh, that would make choosing where to eat out on our weekly family day so much easier and more informed, I thought. And so I snuggled on the couch, and began to explore the contents!
The first 10 minutes were enjoyable and every so often I would exclaim to whoever happened to be passing by the living room things like: "Oh there's this Italian restaurant we must go to!", and "Come check out how cutely designed this place is".
This initial amusement and appreciation of the guide, however, was short-lived. Soon, I found myself in a state of disbelief, which quickly worked its way into pure disgust at the sheer amount of restaurants included. Each new page extolled yet another restaurant and vouched for it. It was overwhelming. I tossed the guide aside and gave up. There was no way in hell I could read about all those restaurants, let alone visit them all. Not unless I ate out, like, EVERY day and on every single meal. I haven't touched the guide since.
Not until last night anyway. I had promised Abood to treat him to some sushi, and so we sat together checking out the sushi places in town. In less than 5 minutes, we had already found at least 5 fancy sushi places to choose from. We settled on one named Maki, since it was strategically situated along the beautiful walking path at Marina Crescent, and so would be ideal to head to after we take a nice long stroll there.
I didn't even consider calling to reserve. I mean, for one there were at least 10 another top-end sushi places for sushi lovers to choose from. More importantly, it was a school night. I reasoned that unless the entire population suddenly and simultaneously got an urge for some immediate sushi, we would be fine. Besides, what are the odds of that happening?
Shockingly good, it turns out.
We enjoyed every bit of our walk.. Abood couldn't believe how gorgeous the weather was, and tried to make me grasp what a -30 temp. actually felt like! brrrrrrrrr. NOT cool :D
Heading towards Maki, Abood asked me if I've ever tried walking into a restaurant with someone then asking for "a table for one please" just to see the look on their faces. He tried talking me into trying it out and almost succeeded when our convo was interrupted by a smiling maitre asking about our reservation.
Me: Oh we don't have one. We need a table for two please.
Maitre: I'm so sorry we're fully booked. In fact, we're always booked two days in advance. Even the sushi bar is full, I would've put you there. I'm very sorry. Here have our card to call in advance next time.
Me: *disbelief*
We walked outside, clearly disappointed. Suddenly I turned towards Abood and indignantly exclaimed: "Please explain to me HOW is it possible that in a country as tiny as Kuwait, where the restaurant to citizen ratio is 1:1, and on a SCHOOL NIGHT no less, can a restaurant be FULLY booked, unless it was its opening week or something????".
Abood: Leave it to Kuwaitis to find a way to do that.
On the bright side, we ended up going to Johny Rockets, which makes the best hamburgers on the planet- no competition.
And they agreed to take us in, which is what counts really!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
An Ode to my bro
Let's just say, this has a LOT to do with it:
A box of pure happiness if there ever was one. Aaaaah, Godiva Godiva how do I love thee? let me count the ways.... That's the first thing he gave me upon his arrival. Now if HE isn't an awesome bro, then no one is!
It's been an absolute joy having him back home. The whole atmosphere has changed! Everyone's extra bubbly and the tiniest things seem to send us into fits of laughter. Now this may sound weird but my laugh has changed as well. I've noticed that ever since he got home, my laugh is starting to sound a little perky and hysterical. Think Phoebe meets Cruella Devil. I'm telling you, it's pretty scary. But I guess all the excitement contained inside me has to find an outlet, even if in a worryingly weird laugh! :D
So... For you my one and only awesome bro I present 30 reasons I love you; one for each drop of bliss found inside my Godiva box: ;)
- I love that you're my "little brother" (technically at least:P).
- I love that I actually need to stand up on a chair to reach your height.
- I love how you insist I order a huge portion in Häagen-Dazs knowing that I won't be able to finish it, so you'll take over:)
- I love that you never give up on me and still animatedly explain to me about cars.
- I love how I can count on you to explain and fix whatever trouble I'm having with the PC.
- I love it when we brush our teeth simultaneously and act silly.
- I love that you assure me I'm your "favorite sis", when I know for a fact you tell Dalia the same thing you git:P
- I love how generous you are with the ones you love.
- I love that I'm one of those lucky ones (I am right? right????:P)
- I love that you taught me that weird "koray kara minna day" mumbo-jumbo of a curse that I always use to freak out people (man, the reactions I get- priceless!)
- I love that you actually agree to watch a chick flick with me once every 10 years!
- I love that you're the reason the whole family ends up in the living room watching a CHINESE movie (as in real Chinese people talking Chinese without any subtitles!)
- And get offended when we don't seem to be enjoying the "plot":P
- I love that although you've prolly eaten cookies that are 10 times better that mine, yet you always tell me you love mine the best:)
- I love that I once caught you red-handed carrying a tray that contained: cookies, chocolate cake, Kitkat chunky, and a Nutella jar with a spoon.
- I love that you're still alive after that incident:P
- I love that you still watch Dexter's Laboratory, and insist I'm just like his annoying sister DiDi :P
- I love that when we go jogging together, it's really just me jogging while you simply take extra big strides!
- I love that you're always up for a laugh.
- I love how we have an unspoken understanding, where we laugh at each other's lamest jokes and "dabshat", when no one else would (do you blame them really?).
- I love that you come to me for advice sometimes. And tell me that I'm a useful sis :D yay!
- I love how you somehow turn me into a diehard fan for your favorite soccer team (going into actual arguments with people!) when in reality I can't tell the difference between a foul and an offside to save my life.
- I love that you've already explained what an offside is to me like 30 times and I still don't get it.
- I love that during the next game, you'll prolly try to explain it to me yet again.
- I love that you know me so darn well, it makes my life so easy!
- I love that you can eat the very same cereal every morning for 5 continuous years and not get sick of it. Seriously, how do you do that?
- I love getting your emails.
- I love that they always carry great news that draw a huge grin on my face ----> :D
- I love that you continuously make me SO DARN PROUD.
- I love you a million trillion multicolored m&ms!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have another "30-related" endeavour to attend to.
MMMMmmmmm. That's more like it!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
It seriously stinks to have your family members scattered all over the globe. Brothers, sisters (actually it's just one of each, so you can see why I can't afford to misplace either:P), uncles, aunts and cousins. No really, what happened to the good ol' days when families were just a few blocks away from each other? I want that people!
I honestly don't think it should be allowed for families to be scattered that way. I mean, isn't it the fact that you're around them all the time, that sets them apart from the rest of the people you know? I don't think the feelings of closeness you share are your genes at work (at least not entirely). It's really more the fact that, well, they are pretty much always around you. You get to share a lot. They know you better than anyone else and love you despite that!:)
But If you only get to see them once in a very very blue moon, then I'm afraid that wouldn't apply anymore. Right?
Hmmm. That can't be good. Must remember to do something about it, but right now I'm kinda preoccupied with staring intensely at every clock in the house, hoping to scare at least one of them into moving faster! So far, the results are not promising. Stupid clocks don't seem to care.
I must admit of being guilty of "not having a clue what I'm writing about". I usually have a pretty clear idea of what I'm going to write about before I actually do (as opposed to me speaking, in which case I usually just blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind!). Today I don't. I just got a sudden urge to write, and at that time the fact that I have nothing to write about didn't seem to pose such a problem, but now I can see the reality is otherwise!
And yet I continue to write...
Wait. I think I just pinpointed the reason behind my apparent lack of inspiration! I haven't gone running in ages. Almost all my thoughts get crystallized as I run. And by the time I'm done with my 6K, my brain is jammed with thoughts that are destined to be the heart and soul of my next piece of writing.
That settles it then, must go running tomorrow. Besides, the weather here is absolutely gorgeous as we bid farewell the last of our short-lived and deeply-cherished winter days. In a month or so I fear we'll be cooped up yet again in air-conditioned boxes; forced in by the harsh summer heat. That's when I start getting cranky. This girl needs a breath of fresh air to function properly!
And a bar of chocolate.
And my sis.
and bro.
and my awesome family..
and my hilarious best friend Donia.
and some kids around to make me laugh..
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Yep, it's this time of year. The awarding ceremony for the high achievers of the first semester!
I was down at the theatre with the kids just now, as they rehearsed how to move around and were instructed to constantly wave. It was pretty hilarious observing them. Some looked like they were waving off an annoyingly persistent fly. Others' hands just stood up in the air, motionless. I was convinced some kids were conducting their own "hand dance piece", which was pretty entertaining. But Soud (he has specifically instructed me to spell his name that way, although I'm convinced it's spelled Saud! But he won the argument). So anyway, back to Soud. He was a picture perfect. Walking with a huge grin, and waving his hand serenely and effortlessly as if he waved his hand for a living. I'm telling you, the Pope would be proud!
The kids were also practising for a play, I'm not sure about the name but it's about a big greedy dragon which eats all the village's food. It's pretty cute!
As the music started, and the kids moved around waving, carrying the biggest fattest grins on the planet, I instantly got goosebumps and nearly choked up. I love those kids.
Darn, and that's only during the rehearsal and I don't even have kids of my own. I wonder what the parents would do on Sunday. I hate to think what would've happened to me had I been one of the parents. It'll be quite the scene, that's for sure!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
It Had To End
Yep, I'm back. Back from Amman, and there you go I'm gonna say it now: YAY!
I'm trying hard not to succumb to the greediness of the human nature, which means you'll be spared any grumpiness as I go on about wishing it was longer and whining about it being over. Instead kindly sit back and allow me to relive those 14 amazing days back home...... the highlights of which were:
1. Getting my first taste of Amman the second my plane landed, from the Bluefig stand that I've grown to adore. It just isn't the same if I don't start my Ammani experience greeted by their cookies and latte. It isn't the best latte I've tasted, nor the chewiest cookie, but that's not the point at all. It's way beyond that. It's the taste of home... Try to beat that:)
2. Stepping in our house, our dear dear old house. By all standards, the house was FREEZING (it's been locked with no heating since the beginning of winter). Normally, I would've curled up in a corner, turned blue and shivered like a leaf, until someone felt sorry for me and threw me a blanket. Instead, my cheeks were red and flushed, my hands warmer than they've ever been, and my jacket and cardigan carelessly thrown on my bed. The excitement of being home had me all warm and fuzzy, it could've been -30 and I wouldn't have cared. It wasn't until hours later that I started to feel the cold (but once I did, MAN WAS IT COLD).
3. Finding a mountain of gifts from Dalia awaiting me on my bed. My instinct was to instantaneously and savagely unwrap them, that by the time it occurred to me to photograph the cute arrangement, they were all but unwrapped. Isn't getting gifts the best thing ever? I love you sis!
4. Breaking our previous Jenga record, without even knocking it down!! It stood like that all night- that's something.
5. A Chewy Gooey Evening of Chocolate Chip cookies with milk shared by my fellow chocoholics (sorryyyy sis, I swear I'll make it up to you! :D). Aah, Life Is Good.
6. Being one of the "Three crazy individuals mad enough to camp at Rum not only in February but specifically on the night with a horrible forecast". It was wet, it was muddy, it was positively freezing, but it was also RUM, which by default makes it mesmerizing.... At night, the clouds selfishly blocked the million stars I was so looking forward to seeing, but it was a full moon that night. It more than made up for it.
7. Consuming a bucket full of the best cinnamon flavored tea on the whole planet in Beit Ali camp in Rum. It was sweet and hot. The perfect companion during a freezing night in the desert and my solace as I lost terribly in Scrabble to Dalia. Jeez woman, can't you let me win every now and then?:P
8. Learning how to use chopsticks!! Finally!! I had all by lost hope in myself. Mind you, it's not that I didn't think chopsticks were useful (try poking people, or engaging in a mock sword fight- they are priceless!) but seriously, actually expecting me to pick up food with them wasn't exactly gonna happen. And yet it did! And I have my dear cousin Nasser to thank for that. A crash course during our dinner in Wox put me on the right track, followed by a Sushi dinner to make sure I got the hang of it. I feel so proud!
9. Eating a "Ferrero Rocher" flavored ice-cream at Gerard's. If happiness came in a cone people, it would be sold there. No question about that.
10. Morning run in Madina with Lina (no trace of Nasser) followed by homemade pancakes for breakfast (at which point Nasser miraculously and conveniently appeared:P)
11. Riding in Amman's multitude of Taxis. It isn't necessarily pleasant, but always interesting.
Seeing that I spent my four years of college in and out of taxis, you can understand why I'd be nostalgic. This visit, I road with the sweetest Taxi driver on the planet. The whole ride he was sharing with me his views on life and giving me advice that I think would come in handy at some point.
11. Overdosing on chocolate. I guess when you put three die hard chocolate lovers under the same roof, you're really asking for this:
(seen in different locations throughout the house)
If only if only chocolate was a vegetable, I'd be one heck of a devoted vegan.
So basically it was two weeks loaded with fun, laughs, good food and lots of kicking back.... which is just what I needed after months of chasing kids in hallways and playgrounds!
Riding on the bus on my way to the airport, I gazed out the window and thought: Damn, that's one dirty window!!!:P
hehehe not really (it is though, isn't it?).
I sat there and made a little prayer. I prayed to be back. Soon.