More than 2 years later, a lot of my conversations still begin with: "Oh that reminds me of that time in
Sabila when we....."
If you think about it, it's not surprising. I mean, where else in a span of a month would I have:

washed dishes for a 30 person meal!
Climbed down, got my rope tangled and was rescued
up a 100-foot tower (and I'm scared of heights!! REAL scared.)

Helped build our own camp fire, and spent many cold nights cozily around it:)

Met the local kids...

pretended like I knew how to paint!

Enjoyed an "all-the-grapes-you-can-eat" festival!
Conquered Rum On Foot...

and its highest peak "Om Al

Collapsed on the floor, not giving my "cleanliness" a
second thought!

washed cars using a dust sweeper...

Sailed on board of a ship

was a proud member of "hideously striped red tshirt" gang:)

Somehow found myself looking like this---->

Explored the world around us (or was it our own feet??:P)

Experienced Jordan. The real thing.
I'm in such a nostalgic and reminiscing mood tonight.. but I guess you figured that already!
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