Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Nothing comes from nothing...."

"Nothing ever could..
So somewhere in my youth or childhood,
I must've done something good..."

to have a class as amazing as 4C..

And I must've done something postively wicked to get one like 4D.

And for that I'm really sorry. Did you hear that? So sincerely, completely and utterly sorry.

Make it stop.


Anonymous said...

and I love you.

But I have to go sleep now. Just wanted to make the love known.

Will come back to express the love further inshallah.

Lotsa loves,

Big sis

Lina said...

welcome back Dalia.. LOL =D

Mar Yoom said...

Oh thank goodness!
:D :D :D :D :D

Now I can go back to being a happy blogger!

no sis= blogging min ghair nifs
(always knew I shoulda been a poet or something:P) hehehe

Love you tons more sis!
Oh and thanks Lina, you had a big hand in her comeback;)

Anonymous said...

inti 7ashashaaaaaaaa

(yubtala almar2 3la gadr deeneh..)

by the way.. when are you coming to Boston?
I'm waiting for you! ;)

Mar Yoom said...

I miss you tons.
Well, I'm doing my part, you do your part (du3a') and the rest 3a Allah:)