Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gotta Invest In A Pillow

I barely had any sleep last night cuz I had tons of work. Getting up this morning was no easy feat- in fact it was an agonizing and almost impossible task. Man that alarm clock sure is annoyingly persistant.

I've driven to school sleepily before but this time was by far the worst. I was actually falling asleep, it was scary.

I literally dragged myself to class and once I was there (since I had no class the first period), I entered, left the curtains closed and the lights off, layed the praying carpet on the floor in a corner and instantly collapsed on it.

It was pretty sad really. Sleeping on the floor is no picnic I tell you (I try to be a "down to earth person" but now I'm thinking that's not always a good idea!!).
The AC was on and the classroom was freezing- I had to make a choice: should I use the only soft object I have (my sweater) as a pillow or to cover at least part of my freezing body? It was a tough call. At the end I decided to wear the sweater and use a stack of books as a pillow. Boy that sure was a failure!! I doubt it would surprise you to know I woke up with a sore neck- ouch.

For the rest of the day, everytime someone caught me flexing my neck in obvious discomfort, they'd ask me what's wrong. I always answered: "I twisted it sleeping on my classroom floor". They'd laugh, say something about me being funny and walk away. No one seemed to even consider it was for real!

That's the beauty of doing something outrageous. You can totally get away with it, simply by admitting it. Aint that sweet?:)


Anonymous said...

Goodness, you really are hilarious.

You know, no one knows that feeling better than I do. I've had enough sleepless nights to last me a lifetime. Nasee7a, don't make it a habit.

One of my friends here actually invested in a sleeping bag, which he keeps in his office. That's not to say he doesn't work. He does. Real hard. He just lives in his office. Poor dude. That's an architecture student for you.

Mar Yoom said...

A sleeping bag? for real? poor dude!
If I lived in my office, I'd prolly invest in a sofa bed or something:) If you gotta do it, do it right I always say!:P

Man, I woulda sucked as an architecture student- BIG TIME!