I can officially say I'm addicted to lattes.
Now that "winter" is at our doorsteps, there is something oddly irresistable in a mug of hot milk with a tad of sugar and coffee to add flavor. Aahhh, Life Is Good.
Speaking of which, I had mentioned earlier that before leaving Boston my awesome sis bought me a bunch of stuff from my favorite shop in the whole wide world: Life Is Good.
One of these items was an adorable mug, like the one you can see in this picture (only with a much prettier orangie color).
This mug has officially become my default mug- I use it for almost everything, lattes, green tea, hot choco, and even in my attempts to water and revive my long-dead plant (I think we're in the "rotting stage" now), which I am very hesitant to pronounce dead (sorry Lana!!).
I mean, nothing yells 'Be Happy' more than a mug with your fave hot drink that keeps on reminding you that (though it may be less apparent sometimes) life is, in fact, good.
But the part of the mug that I love the most is its back. It simply says: "Do what you like. Like what you do".
I think we all need this reminder from time to time. I am lucky enough to get it with my every sip, every morning:)
So for all of you out there, this is a little reminder... Do what you like. Like what you do.
Only then will your life feel good!
you're my sis... that's why. Among other things :P
Miss you tons, and so do my friends who have tasted your "lattes."
Oh, and hate to break the news to you, but looks like Yank is nothing other than spam. Sorry sis.
darn, I didn't even know that blog spam existed! How do they do that?
Oh well- it was good while it lasted :'(
I'm sorry... "winter". Are you serious??? Or is it that you intentionally wanted to offend all of us living in the giant freezer known as Canada (sure and maybe the North Eastern US).
I thought to myself "she must me joking, as she did put "winter" in quotation marks" only to find out that you were in fact talking about hot chocolate and other hot beverages normally reserved for "winter".
So because of that you totally spoiled the rest of the post for me, even though under different circumstances it would've been a nice post... How inconsiderate of you :P
Am I coming off a little bitter? Maybe. But that's cuz it's actually getting cold around here. So I think you'll understand and forgive me for venting :P
Vent out cousin- what are cousins' blogs for if not for this specific reason?:P
I was actually being sarcastic with the intended quotation marks- but hey, need I remind you of kuwaiti summers?
They ARE like Canadian winters in the sense that they are LONG, MERCILESS and suck the hope out of you!
So, can't I celebrate that there is finally a cool breeze to be found around kuwait (which is not produced by an AC?)
And I'm sorry, I don't think it's fair that I should not be able to drink hot chocolate just cuz the "winter" is, well, more of a spring:P
hmm... seriously, we suck at choosing which countries to live in!
Hawaii anyone?:P
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