Friday, April 06, 2007

You Are My Sunshine

I have been feeling kinda lousy lately. You know when you're constantly feeling like you're about to come down with something, and get initial sympathy from those around you. But then days go by and you're kinda in a frozen state; you aren't feeling better, and you aren't feeling worse. It's like finding just one-half of a pair of socks in your drawer and you're late for work. Okay, I have absolutely NO idea how is that the same. It was just the first thing that came to mind (maybe cuz it happens to me like, I dunno, ALWAYS). If by some miracle you do find similarity, please do share!!

So anyway, come Wednesday night I was positively burned out. I figured it's probably due to sleep deprivation, So I celebrated the arrival of the weekend by free falling on my bed, hugging my pillow and slipping into deep undisturbed sleep. Boy did it feel good.

However, when after two nights of almost 10 hours of sleep, I woke up today still feeling drained and exhausted, I knew the situation demanded major intervention.

And so I slipped on my runners and headed for a most-needed run. I figured, if kicking back wasn't doing the trick, then I might as well sweat it out of my system. After all, I can't afford to have these tsetse-like symptoms any longer, I needed to be fully functioning. I have a deadline for submitting the marks for the report cards, which naturally means piles and piles of paperwork *yawn yawn*

My mom agreed to come along. She enjoys the walk, while I run. I love it when she comes along. But it doesn't happen often enough. I love to see her walk and gaze at the seashore so serenely, then on our way back asks me if I noticed how lovely the color of the sea was. She highlights the beauty that I sometimes overlook, focusing instead on my stop watch and avoiding bumping into that palm tree ahead:)

I swung the car door shut and was about to start my warm up, when I heard my mom...

Mom: Are you going to do that thing where you squash the ants?
Me *scandalized*: MOom!!! I NEVER squash ants!
Mom: I mean that thing that looks like you're squashing ants!
Me: Oh THAT. Yeah I will *chuckle*

She was referring to that warm up for my ankle, where I move it in circles while my toes keep touching the floor. She now officially refers to it as the "Ant Squash" exercise.

Man, I LOVE my mom. She is literally "Our Sunshine". Without her, our lives would be bland, tasteless and downright boring.

I mean, beneath my offended look I can't help but be amused every time we have this conversation in front of the mirror (and you cannot possibly imagine how often we have it).

Me *dressed up in something weird*: Mama, these don't go together right?
Mom *initial shock apparent, but quickly recovers*: no no no why do you say that.. they're not that bad (in mom's parallel universe, this is supposed to be a compliment that'll get to me!!), besides, I always tell you, BE BRAVE!
Me *in a whiny voice*: moooom, I DON'T want to be brave, I just want to look presentable.
Mom: fine be boring. I still think you'd look really BRAVE in it. It's really not that bad (again with that pseudo compliment)

I honestly can't imagine being away from my mom again. I absolutely cherished being around her these two years. Not having her around at all times is going to be the single hardest thing about moving away. I love you mom. I hope you love me too, even if I'm a coward (stylishly speaking:P) Maybe one day I'll learn to be "brave". You know, when I'm 99 and wearing that hospital gown, I think I can brave out a clashing hat or something to go with it. As long as it's "not that bad" of course! :P

Oh, that run worked like a charm. I'm fully-functioning again, thankfully!


Anonymous said...

Allah ya36eeha el se77ah wel 3afyeh dayman yaa raab! Amiiiiiiin.


Anonymous said...

AAaaaaaaghhh.. I miss my Mommyyyy! :(