I entered my class this morning and slowly emptied my things- breakfast Tupperware, glasses, mobile and my lesson plan book. My classroom door opened and in came Fahad. I quickly noticed there was a folded paper in his hands. Great, a note from his parents- I thought. I'm not particularly a fan of parents' notes as it is, but today it ticked me off. If anything it made me more determined to go through with detention. It might as well be from his GRANDPA for all I care- I mumbled under my breath. He silently gave it to me and walked out. I slowly unfolded it, my hand ready for the next move which is to crumble it and swish it in the garbage where it belongs.
That plan's all history now. Written in his cutest own handwriting was this:

My heart melted. He was saved!
Looking at his letter, I couldn't help but remember my own 9-year-old self. That was my secret weapon that never struck out. Whenever I'd drive my mom mad (I'd say 3-4 times a day on average) usually an apology and a hug would do the trick. But occasionally my mom would be extra upset that when I approach her for an apology she'd flat-out refuse to accept, declaring that today that wouldn't cut it. Slinking back in defeat I'd go to my room, and squeeze my little brain for a solution. Finally, I'd do the only other thing I knew how to do; get my pencil and paper and start writing her a hearty apology and place it on her pillow. I'd wait for her to get in the room. 2 minutes later, I'd be in her lap getting the warmest hug. It worked like a charm.
And today I know why. Who can resist a cute scribbled apology?
Maryoooooooooooom :))
Kifek yaa 3asal??!!
I have been away for so long (more than one week) but don't worry, I have just finished reading all Ur older posts that I have missed. They are AMAZING... just like Soud! :))
I've missed u yaa benti!
Ur love for ur pupils is excatly like the one my mother have for her own. She adores Abdallah (half palestinian half swedish) and she finds it really hard to punish him, so she asks him what kind of punishment he prefers! LOOOL and he replies: Ba3rafesh! :))
Plzzz post some pics of Fahad o Nasser o Soud if U are allowed to! I would love to see them.
Mabroouk el sunglasses o 3o2bal el high heel shoes!
It's Ok that U don't like make up and high heels.. baas enno U hate weddings kaman???!!!!! Sho had??!! Ya3nii plzzzz girl! U're making me lose all hope!
Keep writing yaa 3azizti! Ur blog makes me go BAM DAM BAM! :))
Habibtiii, you have been sorely missed! I was wondering sho sar fiki:) hehe
You totally cracked me up with your story of auntie and Abdulla hehehehehehehe
That is so cutely funny!!
As for pics of my kids, I'm afraid I am not authorized to do that!! I would have to ask their permission, which would mean that -gasp- my students AND parents would find out about my blog!! hehehehehe
(and lets face it I don't always feature them too nicely:P)
Oh and I thought you had given up hope on me ages ago:) (God knows I have:P)
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