If I was allowed only one word to describe it, I wouldn't have to think twice: Colorful.
It's like entering into your favorite cartoon; where everything is cute, fun and extra funky!
I always pause when I reach the KG, and if by some miracle I could spare a few minutes, I'd go around for a quick peek. Everything has one theme: Bright and Cute.
The bulletin boards have displays of adorable things clearly made by the kids themselves- even the wooden lockers, which would've looked like any other wooden locker, if they weren't filled with minute and cute-looking school and lunch bags!
Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to run into a KG class moving in a wobbly line on their way to their next lesson. How cute they look, holding on to each other's shoulders to keep their balance! One tiny step at a time, they recite a nursery rhyme with their English teacher (I always join in:P), or some Qoran verses with their Qoran teacher. I can't get over how tiny they are:)
Was I ever this tiny myself? It's hard to imagine...
I try to recall my very own KG days.. though it's just one year not two! I went to Grade 1 a year earlier, right after KG1 (I choose to believe that's cuz I'm a genius!). I still like to give my parents a hard time about that every now and then, demanding I get that "lost KG year" back- and claiming that my obvious childishness is a direct outcome of my KG2 deprivation... Sad, eh?;P
My most vivid memory of KG1 is going down to the music room and singing our hearts out..
"You are my sunshine... my only sunshine
You make me happy.. when skies are grey
You'll never know dear.. how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...."
Up till this very day, this song remains my favorite:)
The one thing that sets our school's KG apart from other KGs (which I'm sure are equally cute), is their choice of the different classes' names. Since our school is islamic, they had chosen to name all the KG classes after the islamic values the school hopes to instill in those kidos. Off the top of my head, I recall: Bravery, forgiveness, charity, confidence and justice.
I totally adore this idea!
I got to school early today and took a few pictures. I'm sharing a few, hoping to add a little sparkle to your day, by reminding you that if you ever need a doze of cuteness- you'll find more than enough in your average KG room!:)

Oh and speaking of "cute and colorful", I had announced earlier the arrival of a new addition to my "happiness dozes": Ms. Nadine the giraffe:)
I feel it is time for you to meet her in person.....
Isn't she the cutest thing? Just look how well she fit in with the rest of my collection!
that you are a person. But come to think of it, to me you're cute, colorful, and somehow fluffy :) Kind of a cross between a KG department and stuffed animals.
Miss you like crazy sis. Sorry I've been MIA. Things are kinda crazy here.
you're hilarious!
"I realise that you are a person"
Gee- thanks!!
I love you tons and tons sis! Glad to have you back!:D
Don't go MIA again- your presence was terribly missed!:)
There's a nice universalness to kid culture, isn't there? I bet kindergarten classrooms look pretty much the same the world over, and I bet they walk in lines like that, holding on like little cars in a wobbly train. That's how the our three-year-olds move down the hall together.
That song? My dad used to sing it to me at bedtime and it used to make me cry. Still does, in fact.
That's all so very true Nancy.. very touching comment:) thanks!
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