(Yes, it is a first actually;)
Less than 48 hours after I casually mentioned in my post that "as a gift, I'd like nothing more than to get flowers, but rarely ever do" and as I walked into our apartment today, there it was (not even my dimmed observation skills could miss THAT)- the hugest, prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on:

And it was for me!
A bouquet of gorgeous flowers for me!
Being halfway across the globe didn't stop Dalia and Nuha from showing me yet again, that they are the AWESOMEST sis and friend that I could ever wish to have:)
I mean, when I wrote that sentence, my best case scenario was that maybe in the upcoming years someone somewhere will remember this and maybe I'll get a small bouquet on my birthday!)
But THAT just totally and completely blew me away...
Not in a million years, not with a trillion thank you's and hugs will I be able to show them how amazing they are..
Gosh... How do I start to describe my feelings?
Disbelief, at first. Then uncontrollable excitement, as my heart fluttered like a thousand butterflies! Followed by a seizure of mad ecstasy while I hopped around the apartment teasing my parents with stuff like: "do YOU have a bouquet of your own? I DON'T THINK SO:P".
It's the prettiest thing ever, just take a look at how PERFECT the flower looks like... Sobhan Allah...

The girls made it look like this bouquet was sent from (and I quote:P) "sa3oodi yablogh min al-3umr sab3an wa sitteena 3aman, mutazawwij min thalath, yab7ath 3an rabi3a" (a 67 Saudi man, married to 3, searching for the fourth:P). He claims to be looking for someone who (among other equally hilarious traits) can "tisra7 ma3 il mi3eez, ou ta7lib il noog, ou taktob bil 3angaleezi, ou tgoolli ya 3azeezi".
I've got stiches in my tummy from all the laughter. This is the prettiest gift I've ever received in my entire life, and the fact that it came as a completely unexpected surprise just makes it better and better!:)
Dalia..Nuha... you ROCK!
I love you
I love you
I love you!
I can't say it enough. You're angels! You're super!
I challenge anyone to find me a more thoughful, awesome sis or friend IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I would like to see them try!!
Whatever I say, it's not gonna half show what this surprise meant to me..
I need a HUGE gesture to show my appreciation, something big, something - Oh I think I know just what to do;)
Dalool, Nuhitta... As hard as it is for me to do so, I am going to decline that extremely tempting marriage proposal and instead, ask one of you to take him! After all, I think you both can "tisra7o bil mi3eez" just as well as I can;)
How selfless am I, eh?
Gosh, you two are completely out of it! I truly can't stop laughing!
I was always content to expressing myself in writing, but now suddenly it seems insufficient, so not enough. I wish for nothing more than to be around you both now and start babbling on how amazing you guys are, until you beg me to shut up or you'll have to take the bouquet back:P
As I write this, I keep getting up for a peek at my bouquet, just to make sure it's really truly there:)
Maybe it's just me, but it keeps getting prettier and prettier:)
Such a selfless gesture. Thank you. Really. All I can say is that Nuhitta's suggestion that we both pose as original wives to same said Saudi guy would have preempted your "gesture". Of course I was horrified by the idea, and went all Fiqhi on her and shot down the idea: "wa la tajma3u bain al-ukhtain"
Really now. Ma fi da3i la kul hal karam. He's all yours. Besides, I am hardly bassama, barrama. I'm grumpy and I burn milk. A waste if you ask me, especially after all the effort it takes to complete 7alb il noog :P
Maybe Nuha is still interested though. I speak only for myself here. Hehe.
Love you tons you crazy sis.
Oh no I insist:P
I already have the bouquet- a bouquet AND this "logta" 3arees is just too much! I cannot possibly!
I'm sure Nuhitta would be interested, I mean, let's face it, who wouldn't?:P
Let me use this opportunity to tell you both that while I will always greet bouquets from you with a huuuuge grin and open arms, after seeing the quality (or lack of it:P) of your 3irsan, I'm afraid the same does not apply for them:P
even if he specifically asked for someone who makes "thak il 3ijeen ili feeh gita3 shokalat":P
I love you like crazy!
You're awesome!
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