Friday, December 29, 2006

بكره العيد و بنعيد.. بندبح بقره السيد

I believe it was my grandpa who first taught me and my cousins this song. If I close my eyes for a bit, memories of many happy Eids in Amman will effortlessly surface.. I can almost hear us singing this song, giggling in amusement. I can still feel both my sister and my horror as we reached the "بندبح بنت العم" part (which is understandable since back then, were were the only "banat 3am" around!!).

I remember snuggling in the car together, trying to keep up with our grandma as she repeated the "Takbeer" all the way to the Eid prayer, but only succeeding in cutting her trail of thoughts, over and over. I remember her warm smile and glowing face..

I remember rushing to kiss all the grown-ups with a "kol saneh ou inta salem" and a look that plainly says "where's my 3eediyyeh?" :)

I remember my excitement as I basked in my newfound fortune. This lasted only as long as it took us to reach the toy shop. Fireworks, slimey icky balls, funny tricks and dolls- with such abundant tempatation, it's hardly a mystery our pockets are always empty on our way out.

Oh and changing into my new outfit! What excitement. I remember wanting to put it on days before the Eid, each day opening my closet to check that it's still there and still as pretty as I remember it to be.

Wow. It's been such a long time since I actually went and bought an "Eid outfit", specifically. But that's hardly the part of Eid I miss (afterall I am in the "land of a thousand malls", buying a new outfit is the least of my worries). What I do miss, terribly and painfully, is the spirit of Eid. When the whole family gets together, when the "kol saneh ou inta salem" is delivered not by phone, ecards and messages, but face to face. When the smile is true and touchable, not a mere ":)" in a window.

Seedo, I miss you to bits. I miss your laugh as you hear us singing the Eid songs. Tata, I wish that your angelic smile is the first thing I see on Eid. Sis, it's not Eid without you on the next bed as mom tries to wake us up for the 100th time for Eid prayer. Bro, something seems wrong when you're not around to "strike a deal" with me (aka stealing my 3eediyyeh you git:P). Auntie Sausan, my favorite auntie, nothing is the same without you. You add warmth, bliss and vigor just by being there. 3amo Munzer, there isn't a person in the world who's sweeter, and who makes me feel more special and loved. Auntie Basma, you always add a little something special. Amo Izzat, thank you for being so nice and sweet to me always.
My dear awesome cousins...
Nasser: Certainly is less competition on "Ka3ek" without you around;P But it's no fun that way. No fun at all!
Bisher: What's eid without your cute mischief?:)
Hussam: Who else will lead our kitten rescue expeditions?:)
Bassel: Who will make me laugh on Eid like you do?
Yassmeena: Sure feels good to know Dalia and I are no longer the only girls that qualify as "بنت العم" ;) I love acting silly with you:)

Mom and Dad.. it means the world to me that I'm lucky enough to be around you on Eid:) Without you, it wouldn't even be Eid.

Hmmm, considering that only 3 of the aforementioned will probably read this post, I'm not sure I should be pouring my heart out like that. Oh well, too late for that now! Blame this excessive mushiness on Eid, not me:)

Happy Eid to you all.. My awesome family.. wherever you are!
That's what I'm thankful for on this Eid, on this New Year, and on every passing day. If I were to handpick my family, I wouldn't possibly be able to choose a more awesome, loving and amazing family than you guys. You rock my world!

And to quote the movie "What a Girl Wants" that I'm watching right now: I love you a million red m&m's:)

My family. That's what this girl wants...


BookLoverMC said...

Why do you want to leave Kuwait... it's a lovely country :-)

Mar Yoom said...

Really? What makes you say so? Have you been to Kuwait?

Well.. I guess it's a matter of individual preference:)

It really is "the land of a million malls and enclosed spaces"-which suits some people just fine.

For me, it's suffocating. I'm more of an outdoorsy kind. Great weather and open spaces to go on runs and hikes are a must:)

Anonymous said...

حبيبتي مريوم..
لم أتمكن من إمساك أدمعي وأنا أقرؤك..وكأني كنت أحبس بكائي وأنكر وحدتي مكابرة، حتى لامستني كلماتك الصادقة وأطلعتني على ما يخفيه القلب..
أي عيد نعيشه في ديار الغربة دون أحبابنا؟ دون أمي وأبي..دون صلاة العيد في أرض مفتوحة اقتداء بسنة الحبيب؟
حيث رهف بابتسامتها وفرحة الطفولة في عينيها..
أقربائي وصديقاتي وكل الأحباب..
أفتقد (كل)شيء بألم..إذ لم أعش من طقوس العيد هنا إلا تنورتي الجديدة التي بعثها لي أهلي مؤخرا :)
أسأل الله الذي جمعنا في الدنيا أن يجمعنا في جنة عرضها السموات والأرض..
وأن نعود قريبا لأراضينا..حاملين هامات المجد ورايات العلى..
لك حبي

Mar Yoom said...

نهى حبيبتي,
أنا أكتب على إستحياء, فكيف لا بعد قرائتي لكلماتك .. بضع اسطر, ولكنها صادقة, عفويه, تسحر قارئها.. حتى أنني أحسست بنفسي و كأني أعيش العيد مع أهلك.. ولم يخرجني من أحلامي إلا ضحكاتي على تنورتك الجديده:)
أتذكرك دائما كلما رأيت رسومات لفراشات محلقة..أو معلقة على اسورة..انت بلا منازع فتاه الفراشات:)
ابتسم.. كم تشبهين الفراشات برقتك و جمال روحك.. تقفزين, كالفراشات, بحماسك.. و تحلقين بنا جميعا بعذوبه كلماتك..

حاولت قدر الإمكان ان اعبر .. حقا لا ادري ان كان وضعي جيدا ام سيئا! فاخر مره كتبت فيها كان لموضوع إنشاء قبل 6 سنين و اخذت 3 من 5!
و كان ذلك يوم اعتزالي:)
لك شوقي

Anonymous said...

maryoomti, I love every word in that what you call "blogger". where did this word come from? am I this ancient? everything is changing to blogggggggggggggging? Oh my god! I'd better catch up... I'm going to do some excercise right now. After that I will regain my youth and retain it so that I keep up with you guys. love you.

Mar Yoom said...

Auntie habibti:)

Of course you're not ancient! A year ago I had no idea what the heck "blogging" means either, prolly mistook it for a type of dish:P
Apparently "Blog" is short for "Web Log"!
I miss you tons and tons!

Oh and welcome to my blog:)